foreveryoung | INFJ Forum


I'm a female INFJ in my 30s, I have always tested as INTJ, but recently re-typed myself as INFJ, basing my decision on type descriptions. I have been following the various threads on this forum with great interest for about a year now, and think it will be interesting to join and participate in the conversation.

I enjoy my work in general, which involves negotiating with partner carrier lines on a daily basis, in requires people skills and communication skills as well as impersonal analysis. In my spare time a play the violin in an amateur ororchestra, and also the viola in quartet with friends. I love to read, anything and everything, and am now trying to train myself to be a writer. I run a blog in Korean, however intend to write seriously in English.
I lived in the US and Canada until I was 12 years-old, then moved to Korea, which is my nationality. I am a native English speaker although I was educated from middle-school onwards in Korea. I majored in Political Science in university, and have been working for a global shipping company for 8 years. I work in the trade strategy department.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
time alone
friends that know me well
notebook and pen
music to listen to
What would be your epitaph?
Still haven't figured her out
Type 4
I would like to fall in love and get married, to f