FadedFromTime | INFJ Forum


I am 16, I have anxiety, I'm scared of spiders, I get weak kneed on tall heights, I don't like being in water that I can't see to the bottom of, I can't climbs trees, I don't text, I am a bit hipster, cooking is awesome, I have acid reflux disease, my trail name is "Ghost", I think I might be a bit of a hypochondriac, I may have lyme disease soon (I was recently bit by a deer tick), I am abstinent, I have a bit of a track record with alcohol and cigarettes, I'm not particularly good with relationships, I am overly cautious and reckless at the same time, I'm never going to dye my hair, I dislike consumerism and capitalism, I think most large scale governments are corrupt, blah blah blah.

I love music, although I am not particularly musical. My favorite genres include classical, instrumental, alternative, electronica, indie, folk, singer/songwriter, classic rock, and 80's pop (like Journey and Pat Benetar). I also like a lot of movies from Star Wars to Au Revoir Les Enfants to Princess Mononoke. I love documentaries, anime, and foreign films, plus movies by Christopher Nolan or Christopher Guest. I love to read and write. I used to be big into literature but now I've got to say I love non-fiction. George Orwell, Jon Krakauer, and Bill Bryson are my favorite authors so far. Hiking, especially thru hiking, is something I am also very interested in. Art is also something I enjoy making and seeing.
Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning. I was born as a healthy 9 lb 14 oz baby in a somewhat large hospital and brought home to my three older siblings Nate, Chelsea, and Jessica and my parents Diane and Dan and the farm my father owned. I eventually started school at an early age (I was homeschooled) and my mother had three other children, Nicholas, Rachel, and Joshua. Besides my siblings I was starved for company, I had few friends except for my Beanie Baby Lydia and my best friend Angie. Despite this (and my low self-esteem and anxiety) I was content. When I was 10 my mother became an alcoholic. She steadily became worse and it was apparent that she had a mental disorder. At twelve her condition got so bad we had to commit her to a hospital. My dad filed for divorce. A long legal battle has gone on since then and still continues. I am 16 years old and now in public school attending a small town high school. I have a step mom now, Bernadine, but we don't necessarily get along on the inside. I have a strained relationship with my dad and a nonexistent one with my mother (a lot of secrets came out when my parents divorced, including the horrible abuse she inflicted on my older siblings when they were young and what she did to me before she was commited). Despite this I love them all and my siblings mean the world to me. I am the oldest kid living at home now. I am not accepted by a lot of people at my school and have gotten through a lot of bullying but my friends and teachers genuinely like me. I still suffer from anxiety and some depression but it is getting better. I am a good student and mostly happy, and am graduating early this winter.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. My family
2. My faith in God
3. Nature
4. music
5. Books
6. My friendships
What would be your epitaph?
"Isn't it weird that we spend so much money on a dead body? I mean a special box, a granite headstone, flowers, and a ceremony? I mean she's dead for crying out loud! This must cost a fortune! *Badumm tss*"
I have a lot of goals floating around my head. I w