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Hello I'm Maritza, I'm 25 and a fellow INFJ. I used to work in Sales as an Optician for a big chain wholesale warehouse, worked my way up from a cashier and after 5 years I could not take it anymore!! Sales goals, rude people, constant Sales presure, but being the INFJ that I am it took them cutting my hours to 6 a week for me to finally give my very emotional resignation (tears, I know omg). Now I am on the hunt for my new career and being identifed as an INFJ by my college counselor was a God send truely, it explained so many things for me and why I always felt so different from everyone else. I have gotten the standard list of INFJ friendly careers and would like to know what you guys do for a living especially if you enjoy your career and it pays enough to pay the bills. Just looking to make a living in a low stress enviroment. Sorry this section was all about career lol its just the life stage I am currently in.

I am into; period movies like Jane Austen type also a good documentary, and on occasion when I need a break from all my INFJ thinking I will watch a comedy, chic flick, or even reality tv lol. I love spending time doing research on topics that peak my interest. I love edible gardening, if could ever have my own charity I this what I would do to teach the poor to do for themselves, or maybe grow orchards in my retirement to help feed the hungry, yes if life allows me a good retirement this is what I would love to do. I also love the outdoors, camping, going on scenic walks, picnics, the beach, etc. I love animals dogs especially. I like to read a good book on occasion. I love to love,I love peace, and happiness.
Well lets make this short and sweet. Um I had a good childhood experiance during my Elementary School years I was just a little daydreaming girl that got good grades and did what she was told. Middle school was horrible I was bullied and lost all my friends and became a total loner. I got lucky when my parents decided to move to a different town for work reasons and my High School Experiance was much better but I was still shy. Graduated High School with honors and went straight to work for that wholesale warehouse I mentioned science thats where all my friends worked and I went to the local community college part time. Eventualy after a couple years I was the only one of my friends still working at the store and we grew apart because they are big time extroverts and I just did not have the same interests. Now I am 25 trying to build a better life for myself and meet people like me :)
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
My loved ones

six things? I even think security is a bit of a luxary these days.
other than including food water and shelter thats it. lol
What would be your epitaph?
I cant wait to see you again, Love you guys!!!
In life I want a stable low stress career,a home w