enigma1 | INFJ Forum


When studying psychogy, I took notice of Jung's ideas and theories. OF all of the main contributors of psychological thought, Jung hit a homerun in my book. Obviously, taking the personality profile test, I realized that I am an INFJ. I would like to converse with like minded individuals. I don't connect easliy with people and this may be a vehicle for making some mind connections with others.

History, acquiring knowledge, solving problems, listening to music, writing, poetry and romance.
38 year old mother. Work full time in the medical field, but find myself engulfed in perpetual thought throughout the day and would rather study, read and spend quiet time alone rather than with the company of people that I do not easily relate to.
I am an only child and grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Joined the navy at 18 and didn't look back. I have worked hard all of my life, and don't particularly find "down time" very much to my liking. I suppose my life motto would be "adapt and overcome" as I have been the unfortunate byproduct of a series of unfortunate events (no, not the book) but have managed to kick any problems to the curb and come back a stronger individual.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. unbridled passion
2. deep thought
3. music
What would be your epitaph?
This type of permanency requires much more thought than a few minutes.
Draw on my intuition with no hesitations... it is