Recent content by Elizabeth | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Elizabeth

  1. Elizabeth

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Actualized type: INFJ (who you are) Preferred type: ENFJ (who you prefer to be) Attraction type: ENFP (who you are attracted to) It's true: I like ENFPs. :D
  2. Elizabeth

    Unhealthy INFJ

    I know the feeling. I don't watch the news on TV, but I do read a lot of newspapers, and they overwhelm me. Lately, I can't stop thinking about the horrible possibility - and likely outcome - of a war with Iran. It's why I haven't been here much lately. :(
  3. Elizabeth

    NF American Presidents

    Obama is most certainly not an NF. He uses lots of NF-y talk in his speeches, but it's just talk. I think he's probably ENT-something.
  4. Elizabeth

    The Politics Test

    Yipee! A socialist! [Walks away humming the Internationale]
  5. Elizabeth

    What are your greatest fears?

    Telephoning strangers. I literally start hyperventilating. Embarrassing myself in public, especially in front of people whom I hold in high regard. Bees and centipedes Waking up one day to realize that my whole life has passed me by and I haven't done anything of value in the world. Cancer...
  6. Elizabeth

    What are your turn offs?

    I've dated a few of those. They're unbearable.
  7. Elizabeth

    Careers and career interests

    Re: career Yes, please do! I'd like to join in, too, because I want to go back to school for a master's in social work. Right now I'm at a pharmaceutical company, doing lots of clinical-trial-monitoring paperwork. This is not completely unrelated to my future career plans, because I'm in the...
  8. Elizabeth

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    A response! I'm so glad! :D I must say that I don't know much about Thomas Merton...I must look him up.
  9. Elizabeth

    Messy or neat?

    The appearance of neatness is more important to me than actually being neat. In other words, my desk at work looks very tidy...but don't open the drawers.
  10. Elizabeth

    Beautiful movie quotes

    Not a heart-melting quote, but nonetheless... An exchange between a young, idealistic East German communist (Otto), a Soviet politician (Peripetchikoff), and an American Coca-Cola executive stationed in West Berlin (McNamara, played by James Cagney in one of his last roles),from Billy Wilder's...
  11. Elizabeth

    INFJ Front Porch Chats're so sweet! :D
  12. Elizabeth

    INFJ Front Porch Chats

    Ahem....that was me.... :oops: ...but that certainly wasn't. I've only participated in one of the chats so far, but they're really great, and very enlightening.
  13. Elizabeth

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    I'm so predictable.
  14. Elizabeth

    Dante's Inferno Test

    Extreme Repenting Believer! I'm such a goody two-shoes. :)
  15. Elizabeth

    The Famous Leader Test

    I think that this test goes by enneagram type. In which case: Correct!