Recent content by Dream=A_Wish_Your<3Makes | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Dream=A_Wish_Your<3Makes

  1. D

    Who will represent the GOP in 2012?

    I just came across this since I recently joined this forum. I am glad Gary Johnson and Ron Paul left the horrible GOP party. Gary will be on the ballot in 47 states (he's currently trying to get on all 50, and likely will.) I plan on voting for him. I'm tired of this two party rubbish. America...
  2. D

    INFJ and INFJ Relationship?

    So, I met this guy (also an INFJ) and feel like despite both of us being INFJs, we might be headed down the relationship route. A brief background... He is in the same program as me, going for the same career, and we're SO MUCH alike in our ideology and interests. When we do talk...
  3. D

    bad professor stories

    I really like all of my professors. I'm only a tad annoyed at one--he is not very technologically literate, so he photo copies these really boring articles from like the 70's. They're typically in courier font with smudges and some of them have nothing to do with the class. The class is pretty...