Recent content by Diggity | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Diggity

  1. Diggity

    Making friends

    My ENFP partners phone is constantly going off with txt messages or calls from friends inviting us out to parties, I have been to only a few cause i lose interest being at them after a while but my partner seems to thrive off the interaction with alotof people he knows and doesn't, I cant...
  2. Diggity


    I really enjoyed the movie,**wants cool vampire powers like that** but would do without the whole sniffing and hissing thing, and drinking blood, and being cold, and being immortal.
  3. Diggity

    How much time do you spend on the internet each day?

    oohh probably a bit to long than I should work is slow and boring atm so I spend most of the time typing random questions that pop into my head in google. " Do they use batterys for the trains at sushi train?"