Recent content by danielson | INFJ Forum

Recent content by danielson

  1. danielson

    INFJ's Obsession with Power

    This topic always makes me thinks of this song
  2. danielson

    What is your creative outlet?

    I have all liked to write and draw. Last year for some reason I really wanted to make some collages portraying negative images in a awkward or positive light. I bought a bunch of those multi pic frames from the dollar store and replaced the pictures of somebody else's family with my...
  3. danielson

    Songs that are of an INFJ nature

    Bowie-Life on Mars
  4. danielson

    Songs that are of an INFJ nature

    Cold Play De La The Killers Saul Williams
  5. danielson

    Songs that are of an INFJ nature
  6. danielson

    Do you wish you had a twin?

    i would like a twin for a day
  7. danielson

    Distinguishing INFJs from INFPs

    I have been wondering lately if an INFJ is want I want to be and a INFP is truly what I am at the core.
  8. danielson

    "Time is the illusion that makes what is predetermined feel like free will" danielson

    "Time is the illusion that makes what is predetermined feel like free will" danielson
  9. danielson

    Would you be attracted to yourself?

    Yes, but I could just as easily end up hating the female me
  10. danielson

    INFJ and bullying

    Any introvert is a target, this coupled with the fact that we are often seen as stuck up makes us a good mark. At the end of the day you have to be willing to punch somebody in the face. Even if you loose you will be respected for it, word will get around and you will be taken off the easy...
  11. danielson

    Where do you train Ender..Did you hear about Helio?

    Where do you train Ender..Did you hear about Helio?
  12. danielson

    What are the first things you notice about people?

    First thing I notice is their energy Good topic
  13. danielson


  14. danielson

    Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

    Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.