Recent content by CuriousINTJ | INFJ Forum

Recent content by CuriousINTJ

  1. C

    Straight INFJ Males

    Because when this has been discussed in all of the books on the subject I have ever read, this is what their studies have shown. *Shrug* Maybe they are wrong, but this is what the studies have shown. I just noted it because it was interesting... its of little consequence who is the "rarest" ;)
  2. C

    Straight INFJ Males

    Actually, INTJ females are the rarest personality type, followed very closely by INFJ males. My bf is an INFJ male, he is straight. He has grown up with boys his whole life until his teenage years, where his best friends have been females. He has a lot of male characteristics, but also has a...
  3. C

    Whose type are you?

    This is a really cool thread idea! I am certainly not everyone's cup of tea. People who are drawn to me, tend to be people who want someone "strong" in their lives. In GENERAL, I am a very strong person. Strong willed, resilient, highly independent. A lot of INFx guys seem to find that very...
  4. C

    [INFJ] Are these some normal qualities of INFJ's?

    I'll answer from the perspective of my INFJ/SO :) 1. I hate, hate, hate politics. I can't listen to it, or think about it. It drives me up the wall. Only Colbert and Stewart are exceptions because they make it extremely funny. He is fascinated greatly with politics, and that is putting it...