Recent content by CSingh | INFJ Forum

Recent content by CSingh

  1. C

    Long-term memories and vivid fear memories in INFJs?

    I remember stuff from long ago most people completely forget. It isn't like there are some really terrible or great memories — it is the most random collection of stuff. There has to be something to trigger these memories, though — they don't just pop into my head at random. My short term...
  2. C

    Beauty in sadness

    Sadness does possess its beauty. My three favorite movies are all melancholy, yet I love watching them. The truth in sadness, and the connection particularly empathetic people feel to this emotion is perhaps the reason for our seeing beauty in sadness.
  3. C

    The Ultimate Answer Test

    You scored 14% Egocentricism, 49% Heirarchy, 63% Spiritualityand 65% Morality! You're The Sage! You are wise and moral. You don't pray for gifts from God- you do it yourself. You do it so convincingly that others may assume that you are Blessed. Without you, there would be no...
  4. C

    You have three wishes

    I wish greed ceases its existence. I wish all conflicts end. I wish all humans understand and love each other.
  5. C

    Movies or Scenes That Made You Cry.

    I cried during two Hindi movies (not too many people here understand Hindi, but I'll post them anyway...) - Pyaasa (Thirsty) - Kaagaz ke Phool (Paper Flowers) Both are directed by Guru Dutt, probably the best film director/actor in Indian history. Pyaasa is more of a social commentary (though...