Recent content by coffeeandbooks | INFJ Forum

Recent content by coffeeandbooks

  1. coffeeandbooks


  2. coffeeandbooks

    That is unfortunate :/. I will just have to enjoy it for the both of us then

    That is unfortunate :/. I will just have to enjoy it for the both of us then
  3. coffeeandbooks

    Yes, you do! It will do wonders for you in the morning, haha. I enjoy coffee for relaxation but...

    Yes, you do! It will do wonders for you in the morning, haha. I enjoy coffee for relaxation but also need it to function most days during the work/school week. I've been a reader my whole life but like you, took a break and only read school books for awhile. The summer of my first year of law...
  4. coffeeandbooks

    Two of my favorite things! Have a great weekend yourself!

    Two of my favorite things! Have a great weekend yourself!
  5. coffeeandbooks

    Making a difference

    I do, all the time. And I agree with sprinkles quote. I like the idea of helping others help themselves; more of a 'behind the scenes' kind of thing.
  6. coffeeandbooks

    What banned book are you quiz?

    To Kill a Mockingbird
  7. coffeeandbooks


  8. coffeeandbooks

    College advice.

    * Everything Flavus Aquila said. * Use a planner, organizer, calendar, etc. and set reminders to keep you on track. * Take classes that interest and motivate you. * Find a friend to study with. * Just do the work and think about how it's going to pay off in the end. * Set up a reward system...
  9. coffeeandbooks

    INFJs as Lawyers

    I am third year law student and an INFJ. I have found law school itself to be relatively easy, interesting and as enjoyable as law school can be. My biggest gripe with school are my classmates. If you ever want to know where lawyers' get their reps for money hungry, sleazy, a*sholes, just attend...