Recent content by CharlieG | INFJ Forum

Recent content by CharlieG

  1. CharlieG

    [INFJ] "all my good friends call me wilderness" -- The clarity in finding your INFJ identity

    It amazes me how similar all of our experiences have been. Bubah, I completely understand what you mean when you say you tried to be someone else. That was me all through out high school and my first year of college, I was constantly looking for other people or other personality types to try...
  2. CharlieG

    [INFJ] "all my good friends call me wilderness" -- The clarity in finding your INFJ identity

    No one can say being an INFJ is easy, in fact it can be pretty damn hard. But surrounding the difficulties there is a gold lining that makes everything alright. I found out a week ago that I was an INFJ, previous to that I had never heard of Meyers, or Briggs, or INFJ. What I did know is...
  3. CharlieG

    female INTP shocked by INFJ proposal

    He wants more than to hook up with you, I think "hooking up" is just easier to say then telling a longtime friend that you have serious feeling for her.
  4. CharlieG


    Being an INFJ does NOT mean you are a wilting flower, quite the contrary actually. Being an INFJ does involve going through a lot of hardship and we are generally emotional and empathetic people but that does not mean weak. While there are aspects that are hard to deal with there are also so...