Recent content by Caro Gabriella | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Caro Gabriella

  1. C

    INFJ & INFP, are they compatible?

    That makes sense, I do intentionally try to reciprocate the attention back to my friends/boyfriend but it obviously doesn't come as naturally as fe users. And I can feel frustrated with some of my other infp friends because they just don't put in any effort into our friendship at all. Just...
  2. C

    INFJ & INFP, are they compatible?

    As an infp, I don't think I fully understand the fe/fi clash. My closest friends are enfj/esfj/infj (I do have a couple close infp friends too) and as I said earlier, my boyfriend is an infj. I personally love fe. It feels so warm and I like how they all make me feel well cared for, haha.
  3. C

    INFJ & INFP, are they compatible?

    I'm an infp female and my boyfriend is an infj. We were friends, then coworkers for years before we ever dated. Now we've been together for 2 years and it has been the most amazing, deep, connected and beautiful relationship I've ever been in. We are so in tune with each other and any...