Recent content by carbon14 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by carbon14

  1. carbon14


    I cant watch movies with people, i know whats going to happen and i seem to point out plot holes in the movie. But im not telling other people that purposely trying to ruin their evening, i talk to myself in a quiet tone what im thinking and they seem to hear it. In board games, i seem to know...
  2. carbon14


    I'm always overthinking, but I'm just thinking. Other people think I'm overthinking when they hear my thought process. I was also confused when people said "That's deep". I was confused, because doesn't everyone think that deep? I sound pretty selfish typing this out, but this is what I legitly...
  3. carbon14

    Why it sucks to be an INFJ

    Sorry for taking so long to respond. I usually talk using illustrations. And have more of a backward-thinking style. A lot of times I know the results of something I'm talking about, so I jump around when telling my train of thought. So it makes it harder for them to understand what I'm saying...
  4. carbon14

    Why it sucks to be an INFJ

    I'm always unsure and on edge. And when I'm sure, I manage to figure something out I don't know, then I get on edge knowing i'm incapable of explaining something that I don't know. I'm sure this makes sense lol. And, also, not knowing what to do when someone starts throwing fake punches at me...
  5. carbon14

    [INFJ] infjs make the best....?

    unstructured verbal sentence
  6. carbon14

    Does anyone else feel like Introverts are slowly gaining an upper hand these days?

    i think why there are more introverts is because they are mistyped extroverts. Recently i met an Enfp and they said they were an intj, FIRST of all i don't know how they tested that, (i don't like the tests that much btw) but then she talked about how after parties she feels tired. So I had to...