Recent content by brocolliwatermelon | INFJ Forum

Recent content by brocolliwatermelon

  1. brocolliwatermelon

    Are you masculine or feminine?

    You Are 63% Feminine, 37% Masculine You are in touch with your feminine side. Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you. You tend to go with how you feel. You trust your intuition. And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.
  2. brocolliwatermelon

    Gray-Wheelwright Test

    ISFJ E = 3 I = 7 N = 8 S = 12 F = 15 P = 8 T = 5 J = 12 How strange. I've always had INFJ, borderline INTJ on the regular MBTI test. I just briefly looked at ISFJ and quite a few parts of it really don't sound anything like me. :/
  3. brocolliwatermelon

    Why can't we just all love each other

    Everyone's different, we're never going to get along with everyone.. and I'd say INFJ's are judgemental
  4. brocolliwatermelon

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    Yes, I do. I've experienced stuff with other people, so it's not like we've all imagined it.
  5. brocolliwatermelon

    How much sleep do you need?

    I can go a long time without sleep, but to actually feel good? I'd say I need about 7-8 hours.
  6. brocolliwatermelon

    Perfectionism Test.

    Your score = 59 I would've expected a higher score...
  7. brocolliwatermelon

    INFJs and fits of guilt

    it's the same for me I over-analyze everything
  8. brocolliwatermelon

    Type A/B Test.

    Your score = 47 What does your score mean? You seem to be in the middle between the Type A and Type B personality....blahblahblah
  9. brocolliwatermelon

    INFJs and fits of guilt

    I do tend to have a lot of guilt and regret over decisions regarding my own life. I don't know if this would really be classed as a fit of guilt..but I tend to obsess over minor things that I've said that were somewhat embarrassing. I've always put that down to social anxiety.
  10. brocolliwatermelon

    Right or Left Brain exercise

    Every time I've ever looked at this it's always turned clockwise. What's odd is that I've done other quizzes and my results have shown that I'm supposedly primarily left brained.
  11. brocolliwatermelon

    What unlikely dream jobs would you want to pursue?

    My dream job is most definitely acting.
  12. brocolliwatermelon

    What US state are you?
