Recent content by britta_water | INFJ Forum

Recent content by britta_water

  1. B


    I never said evolution was a science in and of itself. It is based on science. And nothing is ever proven in science, it is only supported or not supported. Christianity has no real credibility, it's based on stories that have been rewritten hundreds of time and passed on over years, and the...
  2. B


    How is evolution not science? It's observations made and supported, a hypothesis and there also experiments to back it up. A large part of the theory evolution was made by discovery science, observing and making a conclusion, aka Darwin. Darwin was a Naturalist, he believed in God and believed...
  3. B

    Global Warming; Fact or Fiction?

    I believe the CO2 levels are man made, recently. The fact that the levels sky rocketed around the industrial revolution era (late 1700's), when CO2 was starting to be emitted into the atmosphere by humans.
  4. B


    No, Satya had it right, basically. A theory is a principle or idea that has been well supported with physical evidence over a long period of time. It does change due to more evidence supporting or not.
  5. B

    Global Warming; Fact or Fiction?

    If all forests were cut down, we would still have oxygen to breathe. Plants are not he only photosynthesizing cells, algae also preform photosynthesis releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and absorbing carbon dioxide. Global warming is both man made and natural, although, it is becoming...
  6. B


    Actually, you have it backwards. Fossil records support gradualism AND evolution. We have found fossils millions of years old, they have certainly survived gradualism and many catastrophic events. fossils are formed in many different ways such as Permineralization, Carbonization, desiccation...
  7. B


    Why would we have phylogeny taxonomy if there were no evolution? Its a systematic progression (if you look at the domains and kingdoms) From archea through animals. According to creationism the Earth is only 6000 yrs old. This is impossible based on geological evidence and gradualism. It took...
  8. B


    Evolution is very fascinating. Yes, I do believe in it, there is way too much evidence not to. The fact that about 50% of people don't accept the theory is remarkable, the evidence is right there, and grows stronger everyday.
  9. B

    Are you attracted to older or younger people?

    I've always dated guys that are older than me. I think its usually because they are more mature, or at the very least, maybe the same maturity as I am? Well, ok, sometimes.
  10. B

    Is it flirting?

    There is a thread about "how" to flirt however... How do you know if someone is flirting with you or just being friendly? :suspicious: