Recent content by blueman32 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by blueman32

  1. B

    Things to know for being with an INFJ male, from an INFJ male

    Amen, brother. Agree with all of the above. When my ex and I broke up, it was hard, but I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I treated her like a goddess. She wasn't ready for that. She was young. She still needs a few guys to break her heart and play with her head before she is ready for a guy...
  2. B

    How did you get over your first love?

    It wasn't easy getting over her. We went to the same college, so I would try and walk by where she'd be just to catch a glimpse of her....once I made a conscious effort to stay away from her, things got easier. Also, I found out she was cheating on me and I saw her making out with one of my...
  3. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    Thanks. Yeah, I'm over it. I'll never understand why she is with ENTP (which is really doomed to fail as she graduates from college and he continues college -- they will be no less than 2 hours away from each other, and she was always talking about moving from NYC to LA), but it is what it is...
  4. B

    Answer with a question! (Part 4)

    Or neither?
  5. B

    Top Schools & Ivy League - What's the diff?

    None, really. I went to a school that people considered a "Baby Ivy." We were very competitive with the ivy league. Only 2400 kids. Academically, it was awesome. Socially, it sucked. Miserably. PLEASE make sure that, in your search, you also account for how you'd fit in socially. I only looked...
  6. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    ANNNNNDDDDDD she's in a relationship with another ENTP. He's a year younger, and she graduates in 2 months. Makes no sense, but in her stupidity, I kind of am happy I am no longer talking to her. As a consequence, I got rid of my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Wanted to get rid of them for a...
  7. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    ENTP girls are INCREDIBLY rare dude, I kind of find this hard to believe. Perhaps they were ENFP or ESTP? That would make more sense. Other than that, based on my sample size of 1, I might agree with you. 14 month of chasing and anguish when it looked like we were going to end up down the road...
  8. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    I'm considering sending her a message in a week or two that says, "lets be friends." Would that be weak? Would that be bending to her will? Is it a bad idea? I do have a girl in tow (one that I'm talking to and seeing, not officially dating), so if that goes a little further, I think I'll be...
  9. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    I mean, I kind of think she sorta knows that I'm capable of controlling her in the bedroom. Even when we hooked up I sort of threw her around a little bit and she admitted later on that turned her on quite a bit. BUT the guys that she seemed to go after in her past and between the months of us...
  10. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    If he says everything is fine, I'd believe him. Once he starts saying 'no' to sex or acts distant when you guys are together, THEN I'd worry.
  11. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    Ahhh. Once again, I think we agree, and I thank you for this. I'm not holding out hope, but I'm leaving the door slightly ajar. I just can't be her "just a friend" just so that, one day, a guy will enter her life romantically and I'm supposed to pretend that I'm happy about that situation. I...
  12. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    I actually agree with you 100%, and you're just repeating what I've said. I do think "friend-zone" is a BS term b/c I don't think it really exists. I've had friends that turned into relationships, friends that turned into one-night stands, and friends that turned into enemies. Everyone thinks...
  13. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    Yeah, it's a bit unfair, walking in my shoes. She and I REALLY, REALLY hit it off. We ALWAYS have a good time together. I'm not readily available (think about it -- 14 months we've hung out only 4 times). I've been persistent. Some nights at 3AM she'd message me because she needed a therapist...
  14. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    I actually wrote a post about EXACTLY this on PerC (I can PM you the link if you'd like -- just don't make any mention of this website or knowing me....she's active on PerC). The idea of "sparks" and "chemistry" is very Hollywood. Most long-lasting relationships are, indeed, built off of...
  15. B

    [INFJ] Horror Stories: INFJ Pursuing ENTP

    No, it's EXACTLY that. Thing is there is NO way that she talks to other guys (and even her closest lady friends) like she talks to me. I don't know if I was a rebound, per se. She didn't explicitly tell me that she liked this guy, I just sort of knew. She was texting when I was there, I was...