Recent content by bluegreen | INFJ Forum

Recent content by bluegreen

  1. bluegreen

    [INFJ] Dating an ST

    My wife is an infj. I'm an istp. Been married for twelve years. She's a lot of fun. Life with her is still nice and hot.
  2. bluegreen


    Oh sweetheart. I'm with you. I'm with you. You've got me all welled up here.
  3. bluegreen


    She was murdered. It's why I became a cop. We both had sisters that died violently.
  4. bluegreen


    Don't chop off that beautiful hair Saram. You remind me of my sister. Girls were always coming up to her in the bars, trying to pick fights with her. She was such a gentle girl too. She always felt so hurt. It's because she had a shine about her. She made them feel insecure. You remind me so...
  5. bluegreen

    IQ Test

  6. bluegreen

    Which exotic fruit are you?

    Thanks. Just got off a string of nights. I'm in a bit of a haze...
  7. bluegreen

    Which exotic fruit are you?

    a rotton apple :(
  8. bluegreen

    IQ Test

    I just finished reading War and Peace, and Ulysses, and I got a 105, and yeah, I did feel like shit about myself. I thought that piss was funny, by the way. It reminded me a little bit of Ulysses actually. Tee hee.