Recent content by betweenthesheets | INFJ Forum

Recent content by betweenthesheets

  1. betweenthesheets

    favorite style of writing

    I prefer whatever writing style I am using at the moment that I write whatever I am writing. I've been indulging in some poly-erotic writing lately and have found it to be extraordinarily engaging to many of my personality's facets. Even the need for support, encouragement, and love from...
  2. betweenthesheets

    What current series do you watch?

    Hah! I am SO busted!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. betweenthesheets

    Definition of Hell based on your type

    INFJ That actually terrorized me for a moment, made me vomit in my mouth just a little bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. betweenthesheets

    What current series do you watch?

    None please. Don't own a TV. Haven't for 35 years. Don't get into pop culture. Prefer to explore our big world. Prefer to create something solid. Prefer build faith, love, and light in people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk