beautifulheathen | INFJ Forum


Being a hairdresser and an INFJ is no small task.
I'm creative, eloquent, and insightful.
But I also prefer keeping all of that to myself most of the time.

Music, playing the guitar, watercolor painting, writing, designing. Oh, and doing hair *rolls eyes*
I grew up in a rather oppressive environment, where religion took top priority in my family's life. I never bought into it despite the pressure to do so, which left me feeling flawed and unaccepted most of the time. This was exacerbated by having Tourettes (which is very minor in my adulthood). No, I never swore uncontrollably, only 2% of sufferers do.

Long story short, I'm on a road to self discovery. I think I always was who I know I am now, it was just stifled all these years. I've never been more proud of my quirky, imperfect self.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Warm clothes
My cosmetics... I'm a vain woman
My phone
... I don't need much
What would be your epitaph?
"Now she can drink in peace"
Type 4 w/ 5 wing
Counselor, political activist, rock star.
All of