Bambi | INFJ Forum


I was introduced to this site by a friend of mine who actually gave me the personality test too :)
I'm looking forward to talk to people who I know I already have something in common with.

I'm learning to become a professional illustrator, I'm constantly doodling and imagining. Right now I'm really into old Slavonic folk tales so I'm always trying to figure out how I'd illustrate a book full of these amazing stories.

My dad has always been a fan of the older stuff, so most everything I remember watching or listening to since I was born has been out of date. Luckily, the older things are the better.

- Favorite Films would be : The Lion in Winter (1968 version) The Court Jester, Singing in the Rain, The Producers (1968 version) The Country Girl, Road to Morocco/ Utopia/ Zanzibar, Duck Soup.

- My music taste is a mish mash of everything, but I tend to lean to older songs from the 50's onward. Favorites being Stevie Wonder, Simon and Garfunkel and Jim Croce.

- Favorite books :
"I Sing the Body Electric!" - Ray Bradbury.
"Chronicle of a Death Foretold" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
"Martian Chronicles" - Ray Bradbury.
"Animal Farm" - George Orwell.
"Frankenstein" - Mary Shelley.
"Flowers for Alegernon" - Daniel Keyes.
"Dracula" - Bram Stoker.
"Of Mice and Men" - John Steinbeck.
Born in Montreal, probably staying here since I love this city.

I guess the best way to get to know tid-bits about me is to ask :)
I wish you guys could hear me umm-ing and mmhhm-ing. It takes me a long while to write about myself.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- God
- my family
- friends
- books
- music
- my computer :P
What would be your epitaph?
Aristi said a lot of things, hardly any of it made sense.
I'm in college for Illustration, so I'm hoping onc