Aya Glenn | INFJ Forum

Aya Glenn

I am a college senior majoring in physics. It seems as if the rest of these boxes describe most other information someone might want without actually knowing me so I will let them speak. I also am saying "I" in them more often than is normally accepted in english which is a bit disconcerting... and yes, that was kind of a random tangent. If you have any specific questions about me, please let me know and I will answer to the best of my ability. Thank you for your time.

I am a physics major and enjoy reading, writing, drawing, fencing, and tai chi. I enjoy most activities given that there are good people are around.
I am an only child and have lived in the middle of a farming area, not in town or a part of any community for my growing up years. I went to a Missouri Synod Lutheran Elementary School and switched to a small town public high school. I am currently going to a private liberal arts college on scholarships and grants. I am still Christian although do not affiliate with any specific denomination as many Christian views I find contradict the law of love your neighbor as yourself. I am a science nerd who loves art and design as well as fantasy and sci-fy. I dislike politics on general principles and the seeming lack of integrity within the discipline but would classify myself as humanitarian by nature and cause. I have not had much experience what is considered common cultural knowns for my age group and so often have gotten along with those older or younger than myself. Much of how I view the world is based on growing up around a marketing and advertising graphic designer and social worker dedicated to helping resettle refugees. I try to live a balanced life as much as there is time for as I find myself always busy and have a hard time understanding the concept of boredom.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
people who care about me
people who I am allowed to care for
food and water
What would be your epitaph?
"You must take personal responsibility.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but
you can change yourself" 
- Jim Rohn

"The day the child realizes all adults are imperfect, they become an adolescent; the day they forgive them, they become an adult. The day they forgive themselves, they become wise." ~Alden Nowlan
Skeptic and Helper
I want to help people reach their full potential a