Recent content by autumnbreeze | INFJ Forum

Recent content by autumnbreeze

  1. autumnbreeze

    The Brutally Honest Personality Test

    Freak Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind... In fact, I do believe that that's one of the definitions for the word "FREAK."...
  2. autumnbreeze

    16 Profiles

    YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE IS: INFJ PERSONALITY: INFJ VARIANT: TURBULENT ROLE: DIPLOMAT You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills.
  3. autumnbreeze

    Enlightening Wrong Answer Game: Part 2

    Because the body is an oversensitive xenophobe. Why is the morning so young and the night so old?
  4. autumnbreeze

    Heart Test (OKCupid)

    The Reclusive Heart You are 90% Independent, 40% Idealistic, 90% Intimate, and 60% Indulgent! Independent, Realistic, Intimate, Indulgent You are the most aloof of hearts, the Reclusive Heart. You are down-to-earth and don't mind being alone, but at the same time you are intimate and value...
  5. autumnbreeze

    [PUG] Hypnoid - Moral Synthethesia - Absurd, but interesting results

    You are expecting too much from the world and this lack is expressing itself in frustration and dismay. Often there will be a distinct problem with a loved one caused by unrealistic expectations of perfection. If this is the case, then there may be sexual problems caused by this lack of...
  6. autumnbreeze

    [Images] Your wedding dress

    ENFJ and INFP...they could have at least given us INFJs a Grecian goddess gown that offers some ''flowy''/ethereal romantic mysticism. I guess it's suppose to represent our somewhat contemplative, guarded personality but no.....just, no.
  7. autumnbreeze

    Personality Test - Career Test Center

    EI: 16 out of 17 Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert | 94% SN: 10 out of 17 Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition...
  8. autumnbreeze

    Psychopath test

    Your score from primary psychopathy has been calculated as 1.3. Primary psychopathy is the affective aspects of psychopathy; a lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientations. Your score from secondary psychopathy has been calculated as 1.7. Secondary psychopathy is...
  9. autumnbreeze

    What's your Enneagram tritype?

    You are a Type 1 with a 2 wing: "The Advocate" Your trifix is 1w2, 6w5, 4w5. In enneagram theory, you have one type for how you relate to the world (either 8, 9, or 1), one type for how you think (5, 6, 7) and one type for how you see yourself (2, 3, 4.) Your tri-fix contains one number from...
  10. autumnbreeze

    Song/song title most befitting of how other MBTI types see INFJs in relationships?

    I can see a lot of people using Bruno Mars's 'Locked Out of Heaven' as a good indicator of what how they feel most of the time (including the sex-starved part) :m122:. One, two, one, two, three Oh, yeah, yeah, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Ooh! Oh, yeah, yeah, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah...
  11. autumnbreeze

    Another Enneagram Test

    Type One: 52 Type Two: 29 Type Three: 10 Type Four: 40 Type Five: 47 Type Six: 38 Type Seven: 2 Type Eight: 16 Type Nine: 26 Your main type is 1. Considering the wings you should be a 1w2.
  12. autumnbreeze

    HumanMetrics Test

    INFJ Introvert(100%) iNtuitive(62%) Feeling(12%) Judging(78%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (100%) You have distinct preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%) You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%) You have strong preference of Judging over...
  13. autumnbreeze

    Reading people's eyes

    30...YEA that tripped me up too. Clearly, something was bothering her. Also, a few of the choices were a bit too ambiguous and generic. I did better when I didn't zoom in.
  14. autumnbreeze

    The Soul Type Quiz

    Hunter - 10 Caregiver - 17 Creator - 11 Thinker - 9 Helper - 13 Educator - 12 Performer - 4 Leader -13 Spiritualist - 20