Recent content by Ariel | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Ariel

  1. Ariel

    What type are you most attracted towards?

    A lot of INFJs seem to be attracted to ESFPs but intimidated by them. Does anyone know why this is? What are their experiences with them like?
  2. Ariel

    Closing the door

    me too.
  3. Ariel

    INFJs and ENTPs

    There's still time.
  4. Ariel

    INFJs and ENTPs

    Holy crap, ENTPs are TOTALLY loyal in my experience!
  5. Ariel

    INFJs and ENTPs

    Hmmm, I don't know. When I met my ENTP husband for the first time, I instantly felt comfortable with him and we couldn't shut up talking to each other. There was one of those blips in the space time continuum and reality was altered forever. It was weird to feel so comfortable around the...
  6. Ariel

    INFJs and ENTPs

    All INFJ girls, I would recommend an ENTP Australian lover, hahaha. ENTP guys are EXTREMELY loyal and dedicated and will worship you. SERIOUSLY.
  7. Ariel

    What type are you most attracted towards?

    I'm attracted to INFPs as friends. As far as the opposite sex goes...attracted to ENTPs and find it easy to talk to them. Also very attracted to ESFPs.
  8. Ariel

    INFJs and ENTPs

    I've been married to an ENTP for 10 years. It only took us about seven years to learn how to get along well together. The first couple of years were INSANE. But it's been worth it. We are constantly surprising each other. We really have balanced each other out...he's now more...