anastasia169 | INFJ Forum


I am an INFJ who loves the complexity of the type and thought I was strange until I read the description of an INFJ - intensely involved with others but desperately needing to re-charge too. And the rich inner life as well.

Fiber Arts, including Embroidery of various types, knitting and sewing and design in these areas.

Reading and Writing. I can't imagine a day without a book and I have always dreamed of writing a book, though this dream is as yet unfulfilled.

Career wise I was attracted to medicine and the helping professions and worked in the pharma industry.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Large, Interesting Thoughts
Physical Security
Close Friends and Family
Fiber Art Supplies
What would be your epitaph?
She loved life, loved others, learned a lot and grew her soul.
New goals include writing and designing.