Recent content by Alanna | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Alanna

  1. Alanna

    What kind of Thinker are you?

    Logical-Mathematical thinkers: Like to understand patterns and relationships between objects or actions Try to understand the world in terms of causes and effects Are good at thinking critically, and solving problems creatively Other Logical-Mathematical Thinkers include Isaac Newton...
  2. Alanna

    Physical Contact

    I love touch! I was held like constantly as a kid, I never slept alone until I was old enough for my own bed, and there are lots of pictures of me when I was a baby of me asleep on my dad's chest. I am very touchy-feely with family, and friends as long as I know that they are comfortable with...
  3. Alanna


    It's stories like this that have caused me to be an atheist. Well I mean stories like this and the total lack of proof of a supernatural god, but that is off-topic. :P I see what Flavus Aquila means about sticking to your principles, but when those principles profoundly influence a huge group...