Recent content by Acid Bubble | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Acid Bubble

  1. Acid Bubble

    Thinking Things That Aren't About Me, Are

    Frustrating, isn't it? It's probably the one thing I'd like to change about myself the most, but I've only partially succeeded so far. My Ti is quite developed and I'm able to detach myself and look at things from a logical standpoint, but my Fe still stands screaming in the background, often...
  2. Acid Bubble

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    INTJ You scored 83Introversion, 79 iNtuitiveness, 50 Feelingness and 63 Judgingness Interesting. T/F is split down the middle given that my Fe is very heavily regulated by Ti. Outwardly I rarely show emotions unless I feel passionate about something or if I'm under large amounts of stress...
  3. Acid Bubble

    Thinking Things That Aren't About Me, Are

    This is the exact same thing that happened to me all throughout middle school; funny how it makes sense now. I used to get bullied a lot and, in my lack of maturity, became severely paranoid and worrysome. A bunch of people across the room whispering to each other? They must be talking about me...