Abcd123 | INFJ Forum


Well, I'm a child on the Earth. Or was that not obvious? XD... Anyway, I'm a kid who loves Psychology, and Science. I have a deep character with some big insight. (If I really were put in a situation.) And I really like time to spend by myself(whenever nobody needs me for whatever) to think and dream, deeply. And to express my feelings silently and often times- by myself. Unless it's a short vent towards someone who understands. I love drawing, coloring and writing. And I'm a nerd. :p

Other things I can't think of right now. XP
I love playing/acting stories with close friends whenever I'm not talking solitary walks or deep thinking within my work/research.
Nov 4, 1998 (Age: 25)
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
6. Food/Water/Etc. What? I can't go without those things. I'm very adaptable so I don't really know what I truly need.

5. Close People - Who doesn't need support and love? It's essential for even the youngest, or eldest people to have someone to communicate and relate to.

4. Some Form of Interest in my life - What I might even be finding now. I don't like restrictions in life. Even though I'm only 14. ._.

3. Emotional and Psychological Well being - Sanity and good emotional therapy is wonderful and intellectually it's rejuvenating when you meditate and relieve yourself from your stress. (Which is hard for this type to do- even me.)

2. Some form to express myself - I'm no verbal person when it comes to self expression. Even though I might resort to that. I like to write or color, it actually is good for stress relief.

1. Good rest - I need this like once a week. I get it once a week. XD I don't get rest easily or quickly. But I always work to get good rest because you work your best when you have rest, right? :P
I'm not entirely sure. I have amazing depth, but I