0utofth3b0x | INFJ Forum


I wish I could figure out how to post a blog one time.

I love art. I spend most of my time drawing, writing, painting, or observing the creations of others. I love film in its many facets, particularly television- getting to know all those characters over years of observation without the rude interruption of having to introduce myself. I majored in English literature, with minors in theology and art. I love studying cultures and subcultures, social taboos, and controversial subjects like religion and politics (particularly religion in politics) and sex. I also enjoy meditation, yoga (on a very minimal level), and the occult. I adore learning new things, specifically things pertaining to personality and culture- like the zodiac, religion, and psychology. I'm considering taking up knitting. I think it would be conducive to a very productive form of meditation. Also, I'd like to start a Terry Pratchett book club.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
1. My wife, she is penultimate.
2. My birth family, how did I get so lucky?
3. Further education, there is so much left to learn.
4. Art, in any medium or forum, an essential piece of being human.
5. Peace and quiet, I assume an explanation would be redundant here.
6. A sense of purpose, a necessity resulting from the importance of the aforementioned necessities.
What would be your epitaph?
I'm a Navy wife. I'm very passionate about my wif

