You have three wishes | INFJ Forum

You have three wishes


Shai Gar

But you cannot use them on yourself.

What would they be?

I wish all humans were immortal and invunerable without maslow primary needs.
I wish all humans were unable to harm or kill, or cause to become harmed, any living creature
I wish Humanity had access to another dimension of unending resources.
How? With wishes like mine, there could never be any more war.
I wish someone who could grant my wishes better go do something better with this power.

No, no, I have 3 wishes:
fresh mountain water available everywhere
fresh mountain air everywhere
replace all streets with trees
no more "perfect" vegetables (with no taste) - i want them all odd-shaped and tasty
i wish the number 3 was actually 5, but just for this moment

another "hacker" approach:
i wish a perfect copy of me, with the same state of mind and memory (note, that's not applying wishes on myself)
i wish this copy gets infinite amount of wishes
i wish his first wish is that i disappear, as if i never existed, hence technically i could continue as him

To see national and international economies vastly improve and greater prosperity in the next few years
To see the current and future presidents of the US succeed in improving the quality of life for everyone in the US
To see the world rally to the aid of countries experiencing national disasters quickly and more efficiently.
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I wish for the economics of the world to stabilize and thrive.
I wish for humans to each possess knowledge and ability to grow and maintain their own food source.
I wish war was unnecessary
To see national and internal economies vastly improve and greater prosperity in the next few years
To have all my debt paid and not have anymore financial burdens
To go back to school to get two degrees (a B.S. and an M.S.) and find a profession which is a better fit than the one I'm currently in.

must not be wishes for you
Screw selfless wishes.

This is a terrible game :(
Oh please. My wishes were selfless, and provided me with shitloads.
Yeah but everyone got the same as you did....

you socialist!
For right now, only one.

That my professor doesn't collect our papers today. (that way, its not for me, its for my professor)
This question is actually rather tough because I am trying to think through all the implications of a wish. I might have to revise these later.

I wish people would not harm one another as well.
I wish people had enough insight into one another to understand with a more fully developed empathy.
I wish all creatures to could experience beauty to their full capacity.
I would wish that poor people in cold regions of the world would grow a fur coat in the winter time to keep warm... Florescent colored fur coats...

I would also wish that for those famine stricken regions of the world that some technology could be created that would allow people to create their own food through photosynthesis... That would be epic ! And a little awkward because tiny babies not yet able to crawl would grow toward locations in your house where sun light shown through.

And then I would have one of these INFJ furry florescent monkey plants sent to every single orphan child on the planet as a companion and close FRIEND ! :m111:
I wish people would start feeling this universal connection, empathy and goddamn love for each once and for all.
I wish all humans were immortal and invunerable without maslow primary needs.
I wish all humans were unable to harm or kill, or cause to become harmed, any living creature
I wish Humanity had access to another dimension of unending resources.

How self centered...

fresh mountain water available everywhere
fresh mountain air everywhere
replace all streets with trees
no more "perfect" vegetables (with no taste) - i want them all odd-shaped and tasty

I can totally agree with this.

another "hacker" approach:
i wish a perfect copy of me, with the same state of mind and memory (note, that's not applying wishes on myself)
i wish this copy gets infinite amount of wishes
i wish his first wish is that i disappear, as if i never existed, hence technically i could continue as him

umm... hmmm.....

To see national and international economies vastly improve and greater prosperity in the next few years
I wish for the economics of the world to stabilize and thrive.

And if those economies degrade the very basis they depend on?

To see the current and future presidents of the US succeed in improving the quality of life for everyone in the US.

What if what we consider a decent quality of life is not sustainable in the long run? And why just everyone in the US? Much of our quality of life, here in the US, is dependent on the suffering and subjugation of peoples in other countries.

To see the world rally to the aid of countries experiencing national disasters quickly and more efficiently.

I wish for humans to each possess knowledge and ability to grow and maintain their own food source.

Many people would say we've had this knowledge for about 10,000 years now, with the advent of agriculture. But this has only allowed food production to become concentrated into the hands of a minority. Agriculture leads to property ownership, property ownership leads to hierarchy. Once the land is owned, and by extension the food and water are owned, then whoever owns the land has control. Ownership is still just an illusion though. Just an abstract concept that we've agreed upon.

So, now I present a different perspective. You maintain your own food source by maintaining an equal relationship with your "food source". And really, if your life depends on this "food source," are you not the same thing? Are you not dependent on each other? When you eat a cow, what is "your body" doing with that "cow?" If you're body is incorporating that cow in order to maintain it's own existence, then when do you and the cow end? Rather than domesticating it and trying to control it, you should recognize your "food source" as a being itself. Any limits on the cow's freedoms limits your own.

If you can respect your "food source" as an independent entity, rather than trying to control it, then your food source will maintain itself. You won't have to worry about maintaining it. It will exist for it's own purposes. Honestly, I don't even like the word 'it,' being a very objective pronoun.

You could say this is the concept behind permaculture, or if you want to take it further, hunting and gathering, which allows even more freedom to those others we depend on.

I'd say permaculture is the way we go from here. It's a good compromise between our current (overextended) population and allowing other beings their freedom.

I wish all creatures to could experience beauty to their full capacity.

Ponder factory farms and domestication in general, then continue that line of thought on to the industrial and white collar (cubicle) workforce.

Empathy should not be limited to humans...
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Empathy should not be limited to humans...
True. But that would be too much of a wish to wish, haha..
However, I believe that humans would first discover empathy for each other, the empathy for anything else would come by default. However, you would argue that humans wouldn't be able to reach this level of empathy among each other without first feeling it for everything else. But that would be and example of transcending human physical and mental ability thus a journey to the metaphysical matter. Without any a priori knowledge I would never be able to wish such a wish.
Sorry if it seemed rude. I don't mean to harm your feelings about your wish. I guess I am just too pessimistic.
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-I wish that plants and trees spoke and be considered wise, divine beings so that
we would have a peaceful coexistence with Gaia (the natural world) and cease
to choke it with modern civilization.
-I wish that we'd all learn to crucify the ego and not live so adversarially, with truly
open minds.
-I wish there wouldn't be so many problematic communication issues, essentially
developing a new extra-sensory telepathic type of abilty to where we can decide
to express ourselves in any possible way and have it be understood by relatively
anyone, thus making intellectual progress a bit easier to obtain and making more
time to improve the soul's estate in the spiritual realm.
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And if those economies degrade the very basis they depend on?

So, yeah, economic prosperity must come at a price, and apparently, since wishes are real as far as I know, how thoughtless of me to not consider that in a world where wishes are possible, I couldn't have the cake and eat it. Because I would really love to see the world economies suffer at the expense of the continued degradation and abuse of the environment.

What if what we consider a decent quality of life is not sustainable in the long run? And why just everyone in the US? Much of our quality of life, here in the US, is dependent on the suffering and subjugation of peoples in other countries.

And again, in a world of wishes, I would continue the slave trade, beef up activity in the sweat shops, go to underdeveloping nations, set up int'l corps., pay minimal taxes, and exploit the local labor just so that I can live happily. I'm sure that was in my inconsiderate plan for the West to dominate the world?

And what I really meant to say is that only those in the US should prosper . . . :m082: Are you serious?
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