Would you kill a puppy for $1000000? | Page 17 | INFJ Forum

Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

I can't help myself anymore, I have to rant.

Seriously, why are people copping out of this question by bringing in alternative options that were not given? If they were not listed they were not to be considered as a part of this hypothetical entirely fictional situation.

NO you can't use the money to save more puppies, the OP clearly states this and NO you don't need to know why or when or how you are going to get the money for killing this hypothetical puppy, because it isn't real!

Basic reading comprehension fail all over the place in here.

...carry on.
I think you secretly like it since you keep posting in it. ;]
I killed more mature dogs (i.e., not puppies) for research purposes ~35 years ago. We were studying cardiac action potentials. This was before all the animal protection rules now in place. It didn't bother me at all. I was too excited and interested about what we would find out with our microelectrodes and oscilloscopes. Maybe it's because I'm a strong INTP but we believed we were doing important work. I still believe it. Am I a bad person?
Killing a puppy would hurt me a lot.

I remember being a little kid and absolutely hating my father for drowning a litter of 6 puppies one year. I thought he was a cruel bastard.

While I'm older and understand that we couldn't have afforded to keep them all, I'm still angered by the fact that he didn't just have the dog spayed and prevented that heartache.

Killing a puppy would make me feel guilty, whatever the circumstances. Even if I was a vet putting an animal to sleep to alleviate their suffering, I'd still wish for another, better option.

That said, I would kill a puppy for a million bucks. I don't think killing the little fella would be right, but I think not giving my kids a shot at college and a better life would be even more wrong.
If I could put it to sleep painlessly, I would kill the puppy. I could become a proper recluse with that money.
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I killed more mature dogs (i.e., not puppies) for research purposes ~35 years ago. We were studying cardiac action potentials. This was before all the animal protection rules now in place. It didn't bother me at all. I was too excited and interested about what we would find out with our microelectrodes and oscilloscopes. Maybe it's because I'm a strong INTP but we believed we were doing important work. I still believe it. Am I a bad person?

Wow.... I couldn't have done that...

Oh and no I wouldn't kill a puppy. I also find the use of Utilitarian ethics appalling. Even when necessary. And this is not necessary and I find it even more sickening because of that.

Just look at this cute little guy!


I wish I had the space, time and money for a little lab puppy.

Too late, it lives again!!!!
So do I. It's only great when you're on the lucky side =P

I disagree utilitarian ethics are a last resort only. And usually should carry some guilt for choosing that path.
I think it is ethically fine to kill the dog for money.
That being said, it would be extremely difficult for me to go through with the actual killing. Hopefully I'd have the option of killing it painlessly.