Why Genius Scientists Are More Likely to be Amateurs | INFJ Forum

Why Genius Scientists Are More Likely to be Amateurs

Roses In The Vineyard

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Music to some ears when it comes to education in general.

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Too bad this guy is an idiot
I'm not sure what just happened. I'm just here for the title. It grabbed my attention.

Why genius scientists are more likely to be amateurs? Amateurs in what? Video games? Sports? Astrophysics?
There's genius scientists of all sorts. They're each experts in fields which are unique to them.
Naturally, anyone is going to be an amateur in a field which they have not learned and practiced.
Genuis in not always omniscient.

Anyway. Just thoughts on the title of the thread, I guess.

Have a lovely day!
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