Which member(s) do you think like this band?


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1w2 sx/so/sp
This is sort of a test to see what conclusions everyone comes to.

This is the band The Tiger Lillies, a dark cabaret band:

The Tiger Lillies - Bastard

The Tiger Lillies - Crack of Doom

The question is, which member(s) here do you think listen to this band, and why? NOTE: I will tell everyone if there is a correct concensus between everyone, or there is enough discussion.
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Shai Gar, cause he's kind of fruity.
*raises hand*

Uh, what is the point of this experiment, sir?
it makes PERFECT sense to me, that the people that like these guys, actually like them.I want to see if others will pick up on that.

Break this down for me, brother. The night is young and I'm a little frazzled.
Break this down for me, brother. The night is young and I'm a little frazzled.

ah yeah, that was unclear, sorry.

when you hear which members like these guys you will be like "OH! that SO figures!". I want to see if anyone comes to that kind of conclusion on their own like I did.
*raises hands*

I started tapping my feet around 1:15am. *laughs*

This is cool. Very quirky, and quirky is always good!
Definately NOT something I would put on my iPod. However, it was somewhat amusing. I can scratch that off my list. (scratches off: Watch the strangest performance by a man with a white face and an accordian)

'nuff said. I like.
Saw them live a couple of months ago. They came here. I respect this band. And their live shows are amazing.
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What about you, Indigo? Do you like them? I have a hunch that not really
Hehe some of you guys seem a little unsure about these guys... but I really do love a good cooky song like this.
I love it when a band can put on a performance with a bit of fun and an unorthodox element to it.

What can I say, my taste in music is a bit randomly shoved together. I appreciate the strangest things. :D
Heh, I can dig it. I probably wouldn't be listening to them everyday, but I can definitely appreciate and enjoy what they're doing. Looks like they're playing in a spiegeltent.
nobody actually ever guessed on this thread, wtf?

I mean, the title of the thread is "Which member(s) do you think like this band?" and what do you guys do you completely ignore the topic title and go on talking about the band itself, accordians, and how some of you appreciate weird music. No guess, no relevance---
this is the ultimatum of allll off topic threads,
a terrible terrible shame.