What's Your Super Power?

you don't see me - that's my super power; also you don't know this - another super power!
Invisibility and Stealth.
I wanna teleport and be able to blow up shit with my hands.
The superpower I want: Gravity control.
The superpower I have: I'm pretty good at chess.
I would also like the ability to teleport as well.
i can shapeshift.
I'm stealing this idea:
mind melding! =3 um.. obvious choice, can both learn and teach everything you and others have + emotional fluidity and ability to use intuition as replacing language for english on both sides.
mind mating in mass effect style.
any one backing up this choice? xD..
X-ray vision: straight through people's presentation to their origin of intent.
to be able to speed skate and do a whole bunch of loops to go wherever I want to go. Ice and speed skaters always look so cool when they're moving around those platforms.
360 degree vision. Or have the ability to travel to other dimensions/alternate universes.

I don't need to eat, drink, breathe or be warm.
I never get tired, and I couldn't die unless I wanted to.
I don't need to sleep, I dream only for leisure.
Omnipotence. - The ability to change anything - physical, intellectual, etc. at will - including bypassing the physical laws. However, I would change my ability to only work with a distinct and definite act of my will, so that I don't accidentally alter stuff when I am daydreaming.