What food you avoid ordering at a restaurant? | INFJ Forum

What food you avoid ordering at a restaurant?


Sep 5, 2009
Are there specific foods you don't order a restaurant? Or foods you've never tried even at your favorite eatery?
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Most of it... because I'm a vegan / organic / non gmo nut and to my knowledge, such restaurant options don't exist.

Ironically I don't like talking about my eating choices, because apparently health conscious habits irritate non-health conscious people.
These days all of it. :)
I don't like kidneys, or other offal.
I'm not too keen on raw meat like steak tartare.
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Can't order seafood except fish and rarely order fish anyway.
Usually I don't order shit that I have to build, cuz I'm lazy. Sometimes it's fun tho.
Even chocolate covered crickets?

When I said, "virtually anything" it was meant for smarty pants such as yourself. :tonguewink:

You're too nice allowing me to have chocolate with the cricket - yes, I'd give it a go but would stop at chocolate covered centipedes
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Unfortunately since I am going on a vegetarian/vegan diet due to health reasons and I’ll admit animal reasons lol, my choices in restaurants have limited quite substantially.

*sniff* I’ll miss you bacon.

But I can’t eat pickles or olives, bleeeehh! And mustard, nope!

because apparently health conscious habits irritate non-health conscious people.

Lolololololol yes...
but.. please, no fresh cilantro.. burgh... I would rather suck a soap. :/

Ay... mi corazon mexicano :cry::laughing: :grin:
