What do INFJ's look like? | INFJ Forum

What do INFJ's look like?

Ghoulia Yelps

Community Member
Dec 15, 2013
I wondered if there's anything to this visual identification thing.
Celebrity types has Morrissey wrong, they put him as INFP, when he is definitely INFJ.
He has the stereotypical INFJ look, the straight eyebrows and piercing blue eyes, (yes I know we don't all have blue eyes, but look at the INFJ characters in movies, you see that a lot)
It may be possible to type some people based on facial expressions but not physical traits like eye colour
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Maybe we have certain mannerisms and facial expressions. It's actually hilarious to think of what those are.
This picture of Sufjan reminds me of both Morrissey and Peter Gabriel.
True, but have you noticed this in movies? They tend to be blue eyed.

If that's a thing it would be purely down to casting, not actual psychology. Like how you can usually tell who the main character is by their hairstyle and how attractive they are
Yes, but I did say it was a stereotype.
Jared Leto springs to mind (probably ISFP?)
Have you seen the members photos thread? You should check it out, see if you can spot a pattern
Is the casting of blue-eyed INFJs simply because more white people with the potential to have blue eyes get acting roles? Pretty sure INFJs come in all colors and flavors... like the rainbow... because we are rare and magical unicorns.
What do INFJ's look like?

Homicidal maniacs.

You know, because they look like everyone else.

I wondered if there's anything to this visual identification thing.
Celebrity types has Morrissey wrong, they put him as INFP, when he is definitely INFJ.
He has the stereotypical INFJ look, the straight eyebrows and piercing blue eyes, (yes I know we don't all have blue eyes, but look at the INFJ characters in movies, you see that a lot)

is he really? wow then at the concert many years ago I was actually in the midst of another infj. something I never thought would happen =)
Sexy as fuck

In Ghoulia Yelps's defense, INFJs and INFPs are typically cast as wise, dreamy or thoughtful, and blue eyes have a dreamy, "Im looking at the sky.... deep in thought.... lalala...." quality because they reflect the color of the sky.

For me, the most prominent people typed as INFJ are Mandela, MLK Jr and Gandhi -- all of whom have brown or hazel eyes, but kind and wise faces, and winning smiles. I don't know what color Chomsky's eyes are. J. K. Rowling's eyes are blue. Celebs INFJs eye color seems random.

Jared Ledo in Mr. Nobody is a great example of an INFJ, but I'm not sure Ledo is actually human. His eyes definitely add to the film. In general his giant, blue eyes remind me of Luna Lovegood, INFP, though.

Maybe Tyler Durden in an INFJ? Blue eyes, too, but probably accidental in this case. (And Ledo is in that movie, too.)
INFJs look like various different human beings spread across a vast planet.
In my experience, sociopathy exists on a spectrum of severity, from the death row inmate to the ruthless venture capitalist to the calculating cheerleader mom. Consider, as an example, someone with Down syndrome. I have two relatives that have Down’s—one blood and the other adopted. The blood relative does sort of look like the rest of his family, his siblings, and his parents, but he also looks unmistakably like his adoptive sister who also has Down syndrome. In fact, most people would probably say he looks more like his adoptive sister than his blood siblings—unless the observer was intentionally try*ing to look past some of the more obvious Down’s markers, such as the distinctive broad, flat face, creased eyelid, short stature, and so on.

Down’s is an interesting condition. Throw an extra chromosome in there, and it affects the way seemingly every other gene is expressed. It’s almost as if you take the individual’s raw genetic material and put a very distinctive mask over it.

I think that sociopathy is something like this. My personality resembles my siblings’ quite a bit. And it resembles the personalities of many people around me, my colleagues and friends, people whom I have chosen to surround myself with due to our mutual or complementary views of the world. But my personality also resembles those of other sociopaths a great deal, sometimes in ways more conspicuous because of our relative rarity in the general populace. It’s amazing to me how much of my habits of mind and proclivities of action I can share in common with strangers—with people who are of different genders, ethnicities, races, nationalities, backgrounds, ages. But I am not just like every other sociopath. From what I have seen of us we are all very different. But there is no mistaking a certain family resemblance.

- M E Thomas, "Confessions of a Sociopath"
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