What books or novels would you like to see on the big screen | INFJ Forum

What books or novels would you like to see on the big screen


Sep 5, 2009
What books or novels would you like to see on the big screen, ones that have not already been made.
David Eddings, "The Belgariad" series. Fantasy (one of my top 3 all time best Fantasy novels ever)

The Belgariad is a five-book fantasy epic written by David Eddings.

The series tells the story of the recovery of the Orb of Aldur and coming of age of Garion, an orphaned farmboy. Garion is accompanied by his aunt Polgara and grandfather Belgarath as they try to fulfill an ancient prophecy that will decide the fate of the universe. Along the way, various "instruments", or helpers, of the prophecy join their quest to recover the orb, and Garion discovers his true identity and destiny.

David Brin's, "Earth". Science Fiction (best book ever in the genre)

Set in the year 2038, the book is a cautionary tale of the harm humans can cause their planet via disregard for the environment and reckless scientific experiments. The book has a large cast of characters and Brin uses them to address a number of environmental issues, including endangered species, global warming, refugees from ecological disasters, eco-terrorism, and the social effects of overpopulation. The plot of the book involves an artificially created black hole which has been lost in the Earth's interior and the attempts to recover it before it destroys the planet. The events and revelations which follow reshape humanity and its future in the universe. It also includes a war pitting most of the Earth against Switzerland, fueled by outrage over the Swiss allowing generations of kleptocrats to hide their stolen wealth in the country's banks.

The scope of the story expands vastly as the plot gradually reveals itself, bringing into question the future course—and even the survival—of humanity.

Both are chock full of all kinds of different races and abilities, magic (future science), young love, old love, and unconditional love, sacrifice, saving the human race from darkness, etc. All the good stuff! :wink:
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What books or novels would you like to see on the big screen, ones that have not already been made.

Which one(s) would you like to see up there on the big screen?

I freely admit I'm a movie junkie....:)
Anything Margaret Atwood.
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Anything Margaret Atwood.

i find movies of her stories are more enjoyable than the novels. she's a brilliant author but sometimes her descriptives are too long for me
Which one(s) would you like to see up there on the big screen?

I freely admit I'm a movie junkie....:)

hmm, not sure. There's so much reading I'd like to catch up on so I don't have a list in mind but what you recommend sounds really good. I'd love to see those types of novels put on the big screen. I'll have to think about it because there's probably at least one or two books I've read which I'd like I'd like to see on film.
Anything Margaret Atwood.

i tried to start The Blind Assassin a few days ago, but the premise of a novel being written in a novel was a bit daunting to me. i admit i only got into the first ten pages though.
have you read it, and if so, would you give me a brief review?
None, I always find movies to be extremely disappointing after having read the book.
i tried to start The Blind Assassin a few days ago, but the premise of a novel being written in a novel was a bit daunting to me. i admit i only got into the first ten pages though.
have you read it, and if so, would you give me a brief review?

I have read it, yes :D and I would love to give you a review!
i was just thinking of a novel i read recently called Wicked.
it's about the life of the wicked witch of the west, how she came to be wicked, why she was green etc.
it was a great read, funny yet richly written. i think it would make a great movie, as an aside from The Wizard of Oz.
it is not a continuation of the old movie, but it does refer to it in places.
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Arabian Sands, by Wilfred Thesiger, if it hasn't been done already. It's the best travel book ever written.
i was just thinking of a novel i read recently called Wicked.
it's about the life of the wicked witch of the west, how she came to be wicked, why she was green etc.
it was a great read, funny yet richly written. i think it would make a great movie, as an aside from The Wizard of Oz.
it is not a continuation of the old movie, but it does refer to it in places.

Yeah, the Gregory Maguire series are good. They made the Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister into a televsion movie, and I think his book about Snow White Mirror Mirror would made a great television fantasy series or full length film.
I wouldn't mind seeing 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu turned into a movie that utilizes the strategies and tactics it discusses. I'm imagining a really cool Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thing going on centered around a young warrior having to learn the way of war.

Most of the books I read are non-fiction and are philosophical or esoteric reads.
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Yeah, the Gregory Maguire series are good. They made the Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister into a televsion movie, and I think his book about Snow White Mirror Mirror would made a great television fantasy series or full length film.

i'll have to check out the confessions of an ugly stepsister. my partner's daughter gave me the book wicked because she thought i'd get a kick out of it - she was right, but i didn't look into the author to see if there were any others.
i'll have to check out the confessions of an ugly stepsister. my partner's daughter gave me the book wicked because she thought i'd get a kick out of it - she was right, but i didn't look into the author to see if there were any others.

There's also this - the sequel to Wicked. I haven't read it but it looks very interesting.

I've lived long enough to see virtually all of my favorite books made into movies -- LOTR, Lathe of Heaven, Earthsea, Narnian Chronicals, Wrinkle in Time... Some of my all time fav books were plays to start with: Glass Managerie, Death of a Salesman...

I'd like to see more of Hillerman's books done. I have only seen one of his mysteries on the screen (Skinwalkers).

There is also an author, Rudolfo Anaya, that I think would be great on the screen, especially the vision scenes of "Bless Me Ultima" and "Tortuga."