And the right ignores all Trump's lies, which pale in comparison to her lies. Trump would have no problem calling for the abolition or the distortion of the electoral college and calling for it loudly if he had lost. So don't even bother lecturing us about how the left cannot take responsibility for the backlash. Take a look at Trump's from 2012 when he thought that Obama was going to win the Electoral College and not the popular vote. He called for a revolution when he thought that Obama had lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College
You can read The Donald's tweets about the Electoral College in 2012 here. He calls it "a disaster for democracy". Of course now that he has used it to win the election he calls the institution "genius"
A great many people in the US actually believe in the liberal vision of the country, one might even say a majority. They can and should do everything in their power to resist him. So far he has given no indication that he intends to govern for all Americans.