The Highly Sensitive Person Quiz | INFJ Forum

The Highly Sensitive Person Quiz

Yup! 14 is the pass mark and I scored 23. :geek:
20. Yup. But it doesn't always show. People mistake my dislike for loudness and bright lights as either ADD or crankiness . . .
lol that reminds me of "otherworldly crank" being an appropriate label given to INFJs.

Loud noises give me a headache. When it's quiet I have great hearing but I'm pretty deaf if you try to converse with me in a noisy environment. And the emo sensitivity to bright lights... actually that has more to do with the cone dystrophy but nonetheless; HSP!

I do hate crowds and loud noises, but I'm not sure that I identify with the whole "Highly Sensitive" thing, at least not to the degree that it's described on that website.
I got 11 ... Hey I scored like someone else! this is very exciting ;)
I scored 6. Huh.
I assumed that being an introvert would automatically give me a higher score, since a number of the questions specifically mentioned a desire for solitude.
Duke of York said:
I scored 6. Huh.
I assumed that being an introvert would automatically give me a higher score, since a number of the questions specifically mentioned a desire for solitude.
I scored about the same but had expected a higher result, maybe it's a difference between out T and F? Maybe we think things through and decide not to be affected?
Lurker said:
Duke of York said:
I scored 6. Huh.
I assumed that being an introvert would automatically give me a higher score, since a number of the questions specifically mentioned a desire for solitude.
I scored about the same but had expected a higher result, maybe it's a difference between out T and F? Maybe we think things through and decide not to be affected?

Maybe. But I don't normally rationalize what bothers me sensually. Either something bothers me or it doesn't. Perhaps I am desensitized (I am surrounded by a relatively hectic environment most of the time).
DAMN im fragile watch out or I might break! WOW!! 26!!!

If you answered more than fourteen of the questions as true of yourself, you are probably highly sensitive.
I got 21 for this one.

I got high because I tend to intensely react to bright light, loud noises, etc....I hate these, hence noisy parties....

Oh, and I hate being pushed to do many things at once unless I decide/plan to do so....
23 for me.

My mom always told me I was hypersensitive. So it was my first "explanation" for my personality before I took MBTI. I fit into the description completely, except I'm more confident and not as scared as what she describes in the book in general.

I wonder what results we would get if we crossed MBTI and HS people. Mostly IFs probably?
ooo, i'm excited! i want to take the quiz!!!...

{enter Muzak here, interspersed with "Thank you for your patience. GemINy will be with you shortly. Thank you for your..."}

...19! yay! honestly thought i'd be a little higher, based on the craziness i've felt this past month with adapting to a lot of recent changes: moved to a new place (subsequently dealing with several things that should've already been repaired/installed but weren't), still working 2 jobs while networking to find a "real" job in my field, registering my car at the DMV :eek: , ongoing personal stuff with my mom, and nowhere near enough time to meditate, read the 85 books i've been "meaning to get to," or practice Hatha.

good to be around other softies!

...hey, what about yourself, Satya?

I think my past work as a ticket writer had done wonders to desensitize me. :mrgreen:
lol, this thread made me laugh. The intp forum brought this same quiz up... only 4 people tried to take it, but the highest score was a 7. I couldn't even take it because I looked at the questions and honestly couldn't decide how badly you needed to feel to be "overwhelmed" or "aware" of something. I mean... when I'm playing cards I'm certainly aware of subtleties in people's expressions... but I almost got hit by a truck last year crossing the street (it was sheer luck that it missed me).

either way, the difference in scores just made me laugh.
I scored 17. Noises and flashy lights bother me so much, it's not even funny...