Tension from Iraq | INFJ Forum

Tension from Iraq

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just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Would love to read comments regarding the recent events in Iraq. I'll check in when I can.
I continue to question why we have embassies in these shitholes when we could just bar people from traveling there and pack up and leave. But it's obviously more complicated than that in Iraq. I fear an unstoppable force is now about to collide with an immovable Iran.
I continue to question why we have embassies in these shitholes when we could just bar people from traveling there and pack up and leave.
We have embassies as a means of ensuring our political, economic, and cultural influence. If we pack up and leave then Russia or China will roll in. A blunder like that will exacerbate the decline of democracy in the Middle East and threaten the prospect of world peace.

Also, they sell us cheap gas and buy our Hollywood movies. Fair trade.

I was hoping world life would move in a more positive direction.
It is, assuming you pull a Dick Cheney and profit from violence. The Bush administration was a great time to own Halliburton stock.
We have embassies as a means of ensuring our political, economic, and cultural influence. If we pack up and leave then Russia or China will roll in. A blunder like that will exacerbate the decline of democracy in the Middle East and threaten the prospect of world peace.
I'm prepared to surrender the dung heap to the Chinese. Hell they're already running concentration camps for Muslims. For that reason I think it's fair to say that this jihad business might start heading in China's direction if they take over
Also, they sell us cheap gas and buy our Hollywood movies. Fair trade.
This is the worst trade deal ever
I'm prepared to surrender the dung heap to the Chinese. Hell they're already running concentration camps for Muslims. For that reason I think it's fair to say that this jihad business might start heading in China's direction if they take over

This is the worst trade deal ever
The Uyghur situation is appalling but since we import so much from China, nothing significant is probably going to be done about it soon, even though it should be stopped. It doesn't make economic sense to threaten the flow of global trade, retirement accounts, Walmart's quarterly earnings, or the American GDP.

At least, not until the bust cycle.
The Uyghur situation is appalling but since we import so much from China, nothing significant is probably going to be done about it even though it should be stopped. It doesn't make economic sense to threaten the flow of global trade, retirement accounts, Walmart's quarterly earnings, or the American GDP.

At least, not until the bust cycle.
Why interfere? If the totalitarians in the middle east fight the totalitarians in China we can just kick back and watch the bodies pile up. This is how the west dealt with the Nazis and Soviets. Let our enemies be bullet sponges for our other enemies.
Why interfere? If the totalitarians in the middle east fight the totalitarians in China we can just kick back and watch the bodies pile up. This is how the west dealt with the Nazis and Soviets. Let our enemies be bullet sponges for our other enemies.
We need to interfere to tilt the balance of power in our favor, preventing any totalitarian from getting too strong.


Also... Chinese tariffs. If the Chinese takeover the Middle-East, say hello to more tariffs, more trade wars, and more expensive gasoline.
We need to interfere to tilt the balance of power in our favor, preventing any totalitarian from getting too strong.


Also... Chinese tariffs. If the Chinese takeover the Middle-East, say hello to more tariffs, more trade wars, and more expensive gasoline.
But how and why?
Admitting that I'm horrible with these middle east affairs, names and who did what to whom when.

I wonder if the world would be any better off if we had all women in charge. Not just any women: mothers who raised their own kids, not with staff to do it for them.
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