Extroversion |||| 14%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 64%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||| 62%

Extroversion results were very low which suggests you are extremely reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.

Accommodation results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Global 5: sloan RLOAI; sloan+ |R|lOai; primary Reserved; R(86%)L(54%)O(78%)A(64%)I(62%)


"Hermit - one whose follies and vices are not sociable." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Accommodation results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were very high which suggests you are extremely intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

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I know I took this in the past at some point:

Extroversion |||||||||| 38%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Emotional Stability |||||||||| 38%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 64%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 78%

Global 5: sloan RLOAI; sloan+ rl|O|aI; primary Organized; R(62%)L(62%)O(80%)A(64%)I(78%)
Meh,one of the reasons why I don't like this test so much at times is because the descriptions are very negative, I mean a lot of it is true, but the descriptions seem to be a bit of an exxageration at times. Anyhow, I been seeing a lot of INFJ's getting RLOAI..seems to be a pattern xD.
Extroversion ||||||||||36%
Orderliness ||||||||||||46%
Emotional Stability||||||||||36%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||| 70%

Global 5: sloan RLUAI; sloan+ rlux|I|; primary Inquisitive; R(64%)L(64%)U(54%)A(52%)I(70%)
Emotional Stability||||||22%

Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

results were high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Accommodation results were high which suggests you are overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense too often of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were very high which suggests you are extremely intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Global 5: sloan RLOAI; sloan+ RLOA|I|; primary Inquisitive; R(82%)L(78%)O(74%)A(82%)I(90%)
Baby bump~! :D

Recent results:

Extroversion (E/I) |||||||||||| 44%
Emotional Stability|||||||||||||| 54%
Orderliness (J/P) |||||||||||||||| 62%
Friendliness (F/T) |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Openmindedness (N/S) |||||||||||||| 60%

Extroversion results were moderately low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof.

Emotional Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious but possibly not very spontaneous and fun.

Friendliness results were high which suggests you are very good natured, trusting, and helpful but possibly too much of a follower

Openmindedness results were moderately high which suggests you are creative, original, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Overall (of the Big 5 factors), you scored highest on Orderliness and lowest on Emotional Stability.

Your Big 5/SLOAN type is RCOAI
Your Jung type is most likely INFJ (a[n] emotionally stable version of the type)

Link to test (indirect version):


(Edit) Global Version retake (link to test -

Global 5: sloan RCOAI; sloan+ R|C|oai; primary Calm; R(70%)C(72%)O(60%)A(58%)I(60%)

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 60%
Emotional Stability|||||||||||||||||| 72%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 58%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||| 60%

*Emotional Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
*Accommodation (Friendliness) results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Extroversion (E/I) 36%
Emotional Stability 66%
Orderliness (J/P) 54%
Friendliness (F/T) 40%
Openmindedness (N/S) 68%

results were moderately low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof.

Emotional Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, unemotional but possibly too unobservant of your feelings.

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious.

Friendliness results were moderately low which suggests you tend to be rude, uncooperative, and irritable.

Openmindedness results were moderately high which suggests you are creative, original, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Your Big 5/SLOAN type is RCOEI
Your Jung type is most likely INTJ (a[n] emotionally stable version of the type)
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[MENTION=3255]Sali[/MENTION], try not using the middle so much. The middle means you're like what it says 50% of the time (equally). can be off if you really don't do what the question says 50% of the time.

I say try it again. :D

[MENTION=3255]Sali[/MENTION], try not using the middle so much. The middle means you're like what it says 50% of the time (equally). can be off if you really don't do what the question says 50% of the time.

I say try it again. :D

[MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION], probably a good idea. The biggest problem I seemed to be finding was that while I care about the well being of the world as a whole I've given up a long time ago on trying to help it. And you're right, I think I did use the middle a bit too much on answers I was unsure of. I'll go back and take it again with different contexts in mind.

EDIT: tried to answer them all yes or no and got INTP >_< I'll take this again sometime later when I have a more relaxed state of mind.
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Don't worry Sali, I got the same result.

View attachment 5101

I also scored the equivalent of INTP on the OCEAN test (which is another Big 5 approach).

This is more proof that I've let my Fe become very distant. I'm running on Ni and Ti.

4% away from E (My typical ambiverted result)
30% away from N (Clearly N is still my dominant function)
8% away from F (My Ti is ahead of my Fe)
6% away from J (I'd assume this effect is the result of my Je function taking such a back seat to Ni and Ti - both "P" result functions)
2% away from Emotionally Stable... (Probably because I've turned my Fe way down. I'd likely score as less Emotionally stable if my Fe were stronger)
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Don't worry Sali, I got the same result.

View attachment 5101

I also scored the equivalent of INTP on the OCEAN test (which is another Big 5 approach).

This is more proof that I've let my Fe become very distant. I'm running on Ni and Ti.

4% away from E (My typical ambiverted result)
30% away from N (Clearly N is still my dominant function)
8% away from F (My Ti is ahead of my Fe)
6% away from J (I'd assume this effect is the result of my Je function taking such a back seat to Ni and Ti - both "P" result functions)
2% away from Emotionally Stable... (Probably because I've turned my Fe way down. I'd likely score as less Emotionally stable if my Fe were stronger)

Yes [MENTION=708]VH[/MENTION] I can relate to this very much with a few subtle differences I'm quite sure I have a strong Je it's just the way that test in particular tests Je doesn't follow. It seems to lay Je out as obeys rules and respects authority. I guess you could say that's true in a way but it's because I live by my own internal rules not rules placed upon me by anyone else and live by my own authority. I've never in my life thought of anyone as "above" me in any sense of the word. better than me at something sure but not above my own authority over myself.

As far as Ti overshadowing Fe that's something I relate to a lot and have for quite some time. However I think my Ni is weak I can't relate to it in such a strong way as some others have stated they can.
Whoever wrote this test hates me! Look at this! He could think of NOTHING good to say about me. And as someone who has been involved in comedy for a while I do not like the implication that I can't tell jokes!

(3.1% of women; 2.3% of men)
[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]withdrawn, loner, not wild and crazy, does not like the spotlight, worrying, crowd averse, afraid to draw attention to self, easily hurt, fearful, prone to low physical fitness, fears mistakes, prone to health problems, hard to get to know, risk averse, unable to speak up for self, becomes overwhelmed by events, not self confident, depressed, embarrassed by praise, prefers organized to unpredictable, apprehensive about new encounters, not good at telling jokes, easily intimidated, quiet around strangers, socially unskilled, easily offended, avoids being a bother to anyone, anxious, plays it safe, not spontaneous, some attraction to things associated with sadness, easily discouraged, apologetic, private, requires lots of time alone to recharge, self loathing, avoidant, second guesses self, low energy level, values solitude, not physically affectionate with most people, not competitive, lonely, hesitant, thinks before acting, not aggressive, very clean, feels unattractive, stressed, proper, values rules and regulations, plain, avoids small talk, resigned[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]*the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info)
back to personality types
favored careers:

[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]researcher, scholar, research assistant, bookstore owner, book editor, academic, libary assistant, research scientist, bookseller, novelist, scientist, archeologist, librarian, microbiologist, medical researcher, research psychologist, historian, forensic psychologist, environmental scientist, genetics researcher, editor, english profesor, museum curator, theologian, philosopher, author, psychotherapist, philosophy professor, geneticist, environmentalist, astronomer, analyst, archivist, biochemist, college professor, biologist, professor of english, psychoanalyst, curator, neurologist, forensic scientist, psychologist, chemist, forensic anthropologist, history professor, psychiatrist, non profit sector, math teacher, clinical psychologist, data analyst, art historian, english teacher, lab technician, biotechnology, healer, biomedical engineer, linguist, publisher[/TD]
disfavored careers:

[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]entertainer, movie star, bar owner, athlete, rock star, model, entertainment industry, record producer, fashion industry, salesman, radio broadcaster, radio dj, sales manager, comedian, race car driver, bartender, marketing manager, advertising, sports management, business manager, broadcasting, actor[/TD]

And here I am a robot!

(4.8% of women; 10.4% of men)
[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, detaches to analyze factors from multiple perspectives, regularly uses ideas and tools to transform understanding, enjoys playing with random interconnections between ideas and patterns, would describe self as a nerd in high school, likes science fiction, introspective, good at fixing things, more comfortable around adults as a child, feels both special and defective, knows the darkside of life well, is not bothered by going long periods without speaking with people, more intellectual than sensual, can be bitter, problem solver, relies on mind more than on others, driven by curiosity, feels best when working, minimalist[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]*the descriptions listed here are made up of personality items. people who scored high on this type scored higher on the above items compared to the average. (more info)
back to personality types
favored careers:

[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]philosopher, philosophy professor, scientist, scholar, physicist, astronomer, research scientist, college professor, researcher, academic, biochemist, genetics researcher, astronaut, nuclear engineer, aerospace engineer, political scientist, biotechnology, novelist, anthropologist, paleontologist, strategist, theologian, geneticist, political analyst, author, historian, egyptologist, history professor, mathematician, chemist, freelance writer, neurologist, biologist, museum curator, microbiologist, biomedical engineer, archeology, environmental scientist, research psychologist, archeologist, research assistant, archeologist, computer scientist, psychoanalyst, linguist, book editor, chemical engineer, analyst, professor of english, poet, geologist, english professor, diplomat, chemistry teacher, bookseller, ambassador, professional college student, engineer, forensic anthropologist, ecologist, virologist, art historian, composer, meteorologist, politician, technical writer, civil engineer, history teacher, neurosurgeon, software engineer, software developer, medical researcher, botanist, forensic scientist[/TD]
disfavored careers:

[TABLE="width: 469"]
[TD]wedding planner, fashion merchandiser, hair stylist, fashion industry, child care worker, beautician, personal assistant, even planner, secretary, stylist, early childhood educator, fashion editor, preschool teacher, hospitality worker, event coordinator, office assistant, hair dresser, sports management, model

Haha! I don't think I have ever had such a downbeat set of descriptions in my life! [/TD]

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||||||| 40%
Emotional Stability |||||||||| 34%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 62%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||| 58%

Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Emotional Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Accommodation results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Global 5: sloan RLUAI; sloan+ |R|luai; primary Reserved; R(70%)L(66%)U(60%)A(62%)I(58%)

moody, not good at sports, low energy level, unable to speak up for self, avoidant, depressed, withdrawn, attracted to things associated with sadness, easily frightened, feels defective, lonely, no self confidence, easily discouraged, avoids crowds, backs down when threatened, easily intimidated, socially unskilled, loner, unproductive, late with work, prone to health problems, focuses on fantasies more than reality, self loathing, wounded at the core, easily hurt, often sad, becomes overwhelmed by events, fearful, rarely prepared, fears doing the wrong thing, often aware how the color and lighting of a room affects their mood, feels untalented, quiet around strangers, prone to addiction, doubting, anxious, easily confused, frequently overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, weak sense of purpose, relates to broken and discarded things, unsure where life is going, continually losing things, fears drawing attention to self, avoids unnecessary interaction, often bored, second guesses self, embarrassed by praise, worrying, resigned, prone to jealousy


Big Five Test Results

Emotional Stability

[TD="width: 30"]48%[/TD]

[TD="width: 50"]||||||[/TD]
[TD="width: 30"]24%[/TD]

[TD="width: 50"]||||||||||||||||[/TD]
[TD="width: 30"]66%[/TD]

[TD="width: 50"]||||||||||||[/TD]
[TD="width: 30"]44%[/TD]

[TD="width: 50"]||||||||||||||||||[/TD]
[TD="width: 30"]72%[/TD]

Extroversion results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense too often of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Emotional Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Accommodation results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense of the well being of others.
Inquisitiveness results were high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Your Global5/SLOAN type is RCUEI
Your Primary type is Unstructured
Global 5: sloan RCUEI; sloan+ xc|U|eI; primary Unstructured; R(52%)C(66%)U(76%)E(56%)I(72%)

I prefer "spontaneous" over "unstructured", thank you. ^_^

(3.4% of women; 4.8% of men)

life of the party, not bothered by disorder, not afraid of doing the wrong thing, often late, level emotions, not afraid to draw attention to self, worry free, people loving, prefers unpredictable to organized, fearless, not apprehensive about new encounters, likes philosophical discussions, disorganized, not easily annoyed, not a perfectionist, enjoys danger, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, anxiety free, always joking, not very private, very curious, not embarrassed easily, adventurous, flexible, narcissistic, trusting, easy to get to know, easy to satisfy, likes crowds, ready to act on the spot, not a bad loser, outgoing, thrill seeker, not easily discouraged, optimistic, laid back, open to new experience, slow to judge others, thinks fun is the most important think in life, socially skilled, easily talked into doing silly things, rarely prepared, willing to take risks, adjusts easily, passionate about causes, willing to explain things twice, spontaneous, relaxed, believes in universal harmony, eager to soothe hurt feelings
Took it before and came out as SLOAI, now its SCOAI
Extroversion |||||||||||||| 54%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 60%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||| 56%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||| 52%

Extroversion results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Accommodation results were high which suggests you are overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense too often of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.

Your Global5/SLOAN type is SCOAI
Your Primary type is Accommodating
(the hyperlinks above contain more thorough descriptions including preferred/dispreferred careers)
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