siblings and their types | INFJ Forum

siblings and their types


Aug 28, 2014
For those of you who have siblings, what are their types? If you don't have a sibling or were to have another, what type would you want them to be? Or, if you could magically change your sibling's type, what would you change his type to and why?

I have a younger brother who is an INFP. We did not get along so well when we were young, but now we have become close and I'm very happy to have a sibling I can relate to so well.
I have three siblings, INFP INTP and ENTP/J - They are useful for, in order, Hugs, Sarcasm, Companion
I'd want an older ENFJ/INFJ to talk everything out with. Maybe a twin.
My favourite brother is also an Infj and we are very close. Although I don't know much about astrology I would say our being different signs is one of very few differences between us. The others are all different star signs and wouldn't be motivated to find out their type unless I really went on about it. Not their thing.

I don't know enough about all the different types to have any jump out as what I would like my siblings to be. I am just glad to have my brother. We keep each other inspired and of course, laughing.
Younger brother ISTP. We get along sometimes, he's way more practical and materialistic than i am, but also much more matter of fact in speech, also he's very intelligent and precise, and i appreciate that in him.
My youngest sister is too young to know, but fwiw, she seems like an extrovert.
Younger Sister #1: ISTJ
Younger Sister #2: ISFJ
Older Brother: INTP or ISTP (not sure yet)

My ISFJ sister and I get along well most of the time, but the ISTJ one gets on my nerves real badly. Reallll badly.
My brother and I get along ok, too.
This is just based on my perception of them.

Sister #1: ENFJ or ESFJ.
Sister #2: ENFJ or INFJ
Sister #3: ISFP
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I had my older brother take the MBTI today and he's an ESFP, which makes sense. My mom was an ESFP. My dad is an ESFJ and I'm pretty sure that my younger brother is an ESFJ as well. Where the hell did I come from? No wonder I always felt completely different, surrounded by extroverted sensors. I seem to attract ESFPs and ESFJs to me as well. I guess it's because I know how to handle them, but they also totally drain me so are probably not the best type for me to hang around with.
Me: IntJ
Brother: ISTJ
Brother: INTp
Sister: ISFJ

Dad: ISTj
Mom: IsfJ

I get around best with my youngest brother, due to his N. (Also my mom a little, she's a very mild S.) We're also more into science and gaming whereas my other brother, father and sister are more into sports and sister also in art.
Being all introverts guests that stay for like a week sometimes have a hard time getting to know 'what we do'.
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