[INFJ] Satanists

@Misty, you echo my experiences and convictions exactly.
Thank you @o2b. I'm glad this is your experience, as well. It's much better not to be my own God anymore, stumbling through life following nothing but my own faulty way. And even then, there's much more to learn as we go.
[1] Yes they are. The are products of human invention.
[2] Did you watch the video linked in post #121?
[3] Argumentum ad populum [logical fallacy]
[4] Belief in God and Satan have never been proven objectively to be worthwhile. On the contrary.
[5] I myself - after diligent study over many years - understand that we most likely do exist within a creation, which therefore implies a creator. There is 'something so much more' but neither the belief in religious ideas of gods, or devils are related to or responsible for, that being the case.
I am unsure that @Misty referred to millions of people as a means to affirm the existence of God. She could have done so precisely within the context of that statement (folks not hedging their bets). Your brush seems to me to be mighty broad, declaring that folks are hedging their bets and thinking to know why they do (neglect to do the study).

Based on her words, her reasons for believing were provided - due diligence to learn and personal experiences. Those are the stated reasons for belief. Those reasons apply to me as well.

You state that you understand that we most likely do exist within a creation. I am just curious. Does this mean to you that we most likely live due to a Creator?

If so, this is considered a core attribute of "God" and therefore, the place of seeing things differently is not God's existence, rather God's attributes where your understanding is that those attributes do not include religious ideas of gods, whatever that means to you.
Thank you @o2b. I'm glad this is your experience, as well. It's much better not to be my own God anymore, stumbling through life following nothing but my own faulty way. And even then, there's much more to learn as we go.
Thank you as well @Misty . God is so real to me.
You state that you understand that we most likely do exist within a creation. I am just curious. Does this mean to you that we most likely live due to a Creator?

No. The existence of this universe being a creation is what I am referring to.
I do not see myself as being created, because I understand consciousness as something which has always existed.
I suspect that it is we [as eternal immaterial consciousness] who created the universe in order to then go into it for the experience. In the same way - as humans - we now create simulations in order to experience those.
If so, this is considered a core attribute of "God" and therefore, the place of seeing things differently is not God's existence, rather God's attributes where your understanding is that those attributes do not include religious ideas of gods, whatever that means to you.

Based upon your definition given, "God" is one such name which religion attaches to the image said religion presents to the world through its mythology.
I do not question the idea that IF we currently exist within a creation [Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation - HERS] THEN this infers Mind must have to be behind/the cause of said creation.

What I question are the mythologies presented by religions and the claims made regarding that Mind such as how things were before the formation of this reality simulation [physical universe] re the beliefs of existence of angels and demons.

I think it far more likely that those elements are human inventions rather than actual truths- mythologies created by the religions as poorly thought out attempts to explain our existence within said creation. [HERS.]

This is why I wrote "Satan appears to be a mythological invention of Christianity and belief in him was necessary for the survival of the Christian religion."
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This is why I wrote "Satan appears to be a mythological invention of Christianity and belief in him was necessary for the survival of the Christian religion."
No doubt about it. You can YouTube plenty videos about the origins of Satan. You can find out why he went from a Blue skin, large nosed being to the reddish devil we know today.
Thanks for the elaboration @VVilliam. Certainly, your assertion that there has always been an eternal immaterial consciousness, which is a facet of "we," is an unprovable hypothesis. Not to insist my belief may not be unprovable as well.

I have gone in a different direction in my understanding of the intelligence I see as clearly necessary for creation and my path included due diligence and personal experience.

Thanks again and peace out!
What I question are the mythologies presented by religions and the claims made regarding that Mind such as how things were before the formation of this reality simulation [physical universe] re the beliefs of existence of angels and demons.

The earliest religions we know about deify animals
No doubt about it. You can YouTube plenty videos about the origins of Satan. You can find out why he went from a Blue skin, large nosed being to the reddish devil we know today.
Yes - I understood it as such, but watching the vid you linked in post#121 was worthwhile as the narration and evidence re that was revealing.

As Christianity got nastier, so too did it's image of Satan. I doubt that is a coincidence. If Christians today could acknowledge the transformation they would be better equipped.
The earliest religions we know about deify animals
Yes - the human animal as well [Angels] and make believe ones [Demons]

D&D - which I played once or twice in my early 20s and even then I could see the similarity between that and life on Earth.

40 years on and yesterday I brought this game:

It was for our wedding anniversary - [my wife brought a drone...] and re D&D - I cannot help but understand that the game itself is inspired by Christian Imagery - which I find ironic due to the bad rap the game got/gets from Christians.

[No actual harm is done to the angelized/demonized characters during the course of this game.]

Life - as a human being - is very much a role-playing game. :)
Although I respect the decision you made, what if you realized it was a decision that'll torment you in the afterlife? If given in a scenario that there was one, and your conscious state in the spiritual world consisted of an existing state full of torment. Would you change religious views? As a Satanist, does it also mean that you worship Satan and participate in Satanic rituals? I would love to hear from you.
I've spent time as a Satanist, enough to consider that most people who take up the moniker as a Satanist are simply those reacting to Christianity. In such a scenario, it's common for a person to subject themselves the paradigms of Christianity and would be likely to go to Hell in such a scenario, if it were real.
I believe that if the christian god is real, he isn't worthy of worship. I'd gladly go to hell.
Imagine coming down from a place of perfect joy into a world filled with violence and deceit, suffering all kinds of lies and scheming against you, inviting someone into your inner circle knowing he will betray you, willingly being condemned and traded for a murderer while saying nothing in your defense, getting tortured and marred beyond human recognition only to be led to a slow and excruciating execution while all your friend abandon you, getting sneered at and treated like a criminal by those who are themselves wicked criminals, shaking their heads at you and mocking you as you pray for their ultimate good with no malice, just so they can have access to the same place you came from. And in the wake of it all, you hear, "You are not worth my time. In fact, you are beneath me. I'd rather suffer forever than say you are greater than I."

The whole tragedy of humanity is compressed in your few words. Truly, I pray for you.
Hell isn't very nice. I caught a glimpse of it when I was in my teens and the horror stays with me to this day. It's a fallacy to think that spiritual knowledge is based on fantasy and myth - it may be expressed in the language of these things but there are some of us over the ages who have experienced them directly. Evil isn't fun, or a practical alternative - it's a savage predator of the soul that consumes your inner self utterly and leaves you destitute of your being while leaving you agonisingly conscious of what you have lost in an eternal now. It's not something to seek.

But I don't think this is what much that's called Satanism is about - some of it is a reaction to a modern Christian sort of Phariseeism, but the name they give themselves does not help their cause. It confuses with both paganism and devil worship, but these three things are very different from each other.
Imagine coming down from a place of perfect joy into a world filled with violence and deceit, suffering all kinds of lies and scheming against you, inviting someone into your inner circle knowing he will betray you, willingly being condemned and traded for a murderer while saying nothing in your defense, getting tortured and marred beyond human recognition only to be led to a slow and excruciating execution while all your friend abandon you, getting sneered at and treated like a criminal by those who are themselves wicked criminals, shaking their heads at you and mocking you as you pray for their ultimate good with no malice, just so they can have access to the same place you came from. And in the wake of it all, you hear, "You are not worth my time. In fact, you are beneath me. I'd rather suffer forever than say you are greater than I."

The whole tragedy of humanity is compressed in your few words. Truly, I pray for you.
Save your prayers for someone who cares. The God is the devil of the bible. that makes you a devil worshipper. Lucifer never betrayed me, but god and his servants certainly have. I want nothing to do with your lying vein god. keep your prayers to yourself.
Save your prayers for someone who cares. The God is the devil of the bible. that makes you a devil worshipper. Lucifer never betrayed me, but god and his servants certainly have. I want nothing to do with your lying vein god. keep your prayers to yourself.
Blessed are you, child of God. Blessed be your heart.
I actually don't know anything about Satanism so have started reading their website. So far, this seems reasonable to me:
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth
by Anton Szandor LaVey

© 1967

  1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
  2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
  3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
  4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
  5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
  6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
  7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
  8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
  9. Do not harm little children.
  10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
  11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
I don't think Satanists actually worship Satan in the way Christians worship God. Maybe I am wrong about this.
I know this is an old post, but re: Lavey, geez, talk about an uber nerd…
I feel influence places wind in the sails, or throws out the anchor. It leads us in calm waters, or we merge into a maelstrom. It lifts us up, or it throws us down.