Pros and cons of being single | INFJ Forum

Pros and cons of being single


Sep 5, 2009
So, our world glories freedom, independence, etc. We're told to be happy single, and see it as a heightened state of freedom and satisfaction where all dreams can be fulfilled without the weight or responsibility of a partner.

But seriously, is it always so great being single? Is it really all that it's made out to be?

Except for yard work. I hate yard work....

1. You can pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want and there's no pressure.
2. You don't have to worry about maintaining a relationship, which can be really hard.
3. You can be more spontaneous and operate on your own schedule (which you can make up as you go along).


1. Loneliness and despair.
2. If you don't have someone pushing you do things, it's easy to end up doing nothing.
3. You have to do everything yourself.
I think it depends on what time of life you're in.

I thought this when I was younger, but it's not exactly true. Actually, it was truer when I was younger-- mostly because it seemed like there were more people around me in general and therefore not being in a relationship meant you were surrounded by people who probably were. But now I'm surrounded by people who have been through hard times/divorces or who are having families and are happy but also wishing that they could have more time for themselves... and I'm definitely not the only single person I know.

There are also younger girls out there who don't mind slightly older guys... especially since they're more likely to have stable employment, no debts/less emotional baggage/fewer insecurities, more realistic outlooks, experiences, etc.
Get in with someone who needs the "me-time" too and lets you silently sit in your corner with your book for an hour, then come back to twosome :) There isn't always a need to do and like absolutely everything together, the individuality should be respected.

I think being single is needed sometimes, like after a break-up, for example. But it's all up to a person. I also know someone who can't be ever alone at all. For women it's harder to find a partner when they hit certain age... :-(
1. You can check out the "fish in the ocean," if you know what I mean.
2. Time to focus on yourself, improvement, or whatever. FREEDOM!
3. ?????
4. Profit!

1. Nagging relatives "when you going to meet someone nice and blah blah?"
2. If your friends are in relationships, you would have to sometimes deal with their SO's tagging along or canceling plans because of them (because in the case of guys, they will choose boobs over you, always. Forever.)
3. Unless you know how to attract, prepare for absolutely ZERO SEX. (Well, your hands still love you. :( )
I think that there's really no cons in being single.
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I will follow Horatio's lead:
(these are obviously not entirely based on me, as we all know girls do not fart)

-not listening to someone snore
-go where you want to go, eat what you want to eat
-you can fart if you need to

-no built-in, regular sexytime
-no sharing everything except for toiletries
-you might have a harder time getting stuff done without combining forces
Pro: Drinking milk straight out of the jug.

Con: Cold at night.

I used to be guilty of drinking milk straight.. I just had to do it while sneaking :p

Second blanket does wonders! ;D
I used to be guilty of drinking milk straight.. I just had to do it while sneaking :p


Haha that's what I would do too. A couple glances around to make sure no would see me. ;)

who needs cups

I caught my daughter doing it too. I almost said something to her about it, then realized I didn't want to stop drinking out of the jug and I couldn't tell her no while I continued to do it. lol So we both do it now. ;)
Pro: You don't get asked where you were all night and why there's blood all over your hands.

Con: No human shield when the cops track you down.
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Freedom both personal and in terms of your curiosity. You can do anything you want to do, any ONE you want to do.
Low stress.
Easier to stay motivated in most things, including, fitness and career.
NO messy emotional meltdowns to deal with
No Arguments
No passive aggressive jealousy
No worrying where anyone is
More friends

If you aren't already established socially, its harder to get sex. Not impossible, just more work.

Thats about it I suppose.
The one thing I miss about being single is not having to answer to anyone--no one to tell me to quit turning the heat up or down, no one to ask me accusingly why I haven't done the dishes, and no one to text me not to get too drunk when I go out with my friends. But those are small things and th benefits outweigh them-- The biggest benefit of all is having a partner, in life and in crime! But it all depends on finding the right person.. If you're miserable with someone--you are better off alone.
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Pros of being single: not worrying about anybody else but myself; living alone and not being considerate of another person's needs or feelings or moods; the freedom to do whatever I feel like doing and disappearing without saying a word to anybody (and not caring that I don't).

Cons: the longing for an intimate (not always sexual) connection; the lack of the feeling that there's another person in the world so close to you it seems almost impossible; not being able to share yourself, your joys or worries or whatever with the person who you can consider the most important part of your life (not a friend or a relative). The constant feeling that there's something missing that you cannot seem to achieve alone.
Being abstinate while being single is rewarding, also. No mixed up feelings/drama. No STD's. No unwanted pregnancy.

Self-control isn't popular, but it doesn't mean it's wrong.
INFJ being an odd-ball :)
Sometimes honestly you can be most alone when with somebody. For anyone who has been a bad relationship, you know what I am talking about. A relationship can be strangling and feel like it is cutting of your life and motivation for everything. I personally like being single more than being in a relationship. Especially at my current age as relationships this young are really rather dramatic. Of course, I wouldn’t say no to a relationship if I came across someone worth investing into.

Pros: Many more than the cons.