Political Opinions | INFJ Forum

Political Opinions


Oct 25, 2010
There's an old saying that you should never discuss sex, politics or religion in polite company.

I've learned that in certain circumstances it's just not a good idea to discuss politics. One person's passionate political opinion can be quite offensive to someone with an opposing view.

I feel it's best to be diplomatic with my political views and try not to say anything that would offend another person. Often people are very attached to their political beliefs and challenging them can seem like a personal attack. So, I usually keep my political opinions to myself unless speaking to people I know are of a similar mindset in that area.

So, in regards to the forum and the political threads. How far is too far? Is there any sort of regulation from the staff if someone's political view borders on offensive?

And what is the line? When does freedom of speech blur into just plain upsetting?
I try to stay away from politics. I don't really enjoy debating it and I don't see the point when other people are as stuck on their beliefs as I am.
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It is difficult for us to define what is and what is not offensive in the ways of poltical discussions. We as a staff have tried in the past to draft rule and regulations specefically for controverial topics in a general sense (i.e. a seperate class of rules), so we could regulate them in an efficient manner; it didn't work. It became far too convoluted, and it was impossible to draw a line. What we generally try to do, is look at each thing case by case, and attempt to observe rule B4 as the ruling decider for what is a problematic topic and or post. Rule B4 is cited as follows:

B4. Don't: Disturb the peace of the forum via hostile advancement of religious, political, ethnic, sexual or other agendas.
As such, this it the best regulatory tool we can use while still remaining fair, and not to appear or actually be bais in regulating certain topics over another. That would be too heavy handed and squelshing of open discussion on these matters.

We take things case by case, and quite often have to imploy the use of group opinions who are also posting in the topic at hand, and their reactions and intepretations of what is being said. In similar terms, gauging the level of offense of members being felt and expressed. It's a difficult line to draw and our most drawn out discussions are quite often on these types of violations (that are in consideration of being a violation).

In conclusion. It's a tricky, and long process to regulate this. As it's quite easy to go too far and over-regulate and unfairly squelsh opinion. Or, allowing problmatic discussions and posts to exist.
I'm a policy studies major
and people don't know how to talk about politics and that's where the problem lies (religion too, I think, and I don't think sex should be discussed in polite company idc what you do/talk about in private)
I LOVE debating politics/policy. I want to make a career of it. But avoid the debate-y stuff with most people/forums because most people don't have a clue about what they're talking about and moreso, they don't know how to construct an argument, and it just seems so futile and pathetic to even read.
wouldn't it be nice to do away with politics completely?

it's not a very friendly scene

what does all our politicking accomplish?

education is in the dumps, propaganda is everywhere,
they are still beating the war drums...

political views aren't worth a thing
money is the only thing that matters

our politics have kept it this way

correct me if i'm wrong

i just have a profound distaste for all the waste i see surrounding the political games

ultimately, it's just a big distraction
politics only serve to keep the focus away from the real issues
Can you define what you mean by 'politics' in the above post, [MENTION=963]myself[/MENTION]?
wouldn't it be nice to do away with politics completely?

it's not a very friendly scene

what does all our politicking accomplish?

education is in the dumps, propaganda is everywhere,
they are still beating the war drums...

political views aren't worth a thing
money is the only thing that matters

our politics have kept it this way

correct me if i'm wrong

i just have a profound distaste for all the waste i see surrounding the political games

ultimately, it's just a big distraction
politics only serve to keep the focus away from the real issues

Politics is essentially the process of the power struggle between different entities - parties, lobby groups, the electorate, businesses. The elimination of the political process would require either
a) people to live completely independent of one another
b) one entity having complete power

and both of these options kinda suck. Yes, the political process in america is very sensationalist, and influence too greatly by money, and yes, this needs to be reformed. But the political process is an fundamental social structure that, well, by definition a society would not exist without.
Politics is essentially the process of the power struggle between different entities - parties, lobby groups, the electorate, businesses. The elimination of the political process would require either
a) people to live completely independent of one another
b) one entity having complete power

and both of these options kinda suck. Yes, the political process in america is very sensationalist, and influence too greatly by money, and yes, this needs to be reformed. But the political process is an fundamental social structure that, well, by definition a society would not exist without.

Politics is essentially the process of the power struggle between different entities - parties, lobby groups, the electorate, businesses.

yes. this power struggle between different entities, this is a problem.

we the people, are not truly represented.

only money gets the representation.
yes. this power struggle between different entities, this is a problem.

we the people, are not truly represented.

only money gets the representation.

then propose a reformed political process:m190:
Government now is still better than it was before democracy, or labour protection
have you read plato's republic?

i just pretend i'm the opposite of whatever the other person believes. it is a good way of getting people to stop talking to me.
I get what you mean. Its truly irritating when passion for political stance crosses the line into 'defending what mom and dad taught me.' I hate how often I see it =/ I won't discuss it with people that can't be objective about their own worldview. There's just no sense in it, because no matter what you say in that case, it will be a personal attack to them. Its really awesome when someone is secure and open minded enough to rationally discuss it. People actually get somewhere! I've had some friends really rethink their political stance after a no-bs one-on-one discussion. Enculturation of politics and beliefs is natural, but irritatingly narrow sometimes.