Paris Shootings, Explosion & Hostage Crisis 11/13 | INFJ Forum

Paris Shootings, Explosion & Hostage Crisis 11/13


Must be the feeling~
Jul 31, 2012
Not sure if anyone's heard of or posted about this yet, but I wanted to start a thread to discuss this recent crisis in Paris.

Two police officials have told the AP news agency that at least 26 people have been killed in shootings and explosions around Paris.

One of the police officials said 11 people were killed in a Paris restaurant in the 10th arrondissement and about 15 killed in the Bataclan theatre, where there is an ongoing hostage crisis.

Paris' deputy mayor has told CNN there are 18 casualties, however.


If there are any users in the city, I hope you remain safe.
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they're saying 35-40 people dead now and 100 hostages in a theater. Horrible!
prayers for paris --
I just heard the nation is declaring a state of emergency and they are closing borders/limiting travel.
I just heard the nation is declaring a state of emergency and they are closing borders/limiting travel.

I heard the same.
They started shooting and bombing the concert hall, so the police have just stormed it.

At least seven locations have been attacked.
Hollande closes all French borders, and two of the attacks are suicide bombings. I see a vague connection between these two facts....

The aftermath and reaction of this horrible tragedy will exceed the anger that the tragedy itself has caused. Mark my words, I am going to stay away from social media in order to contain my rage at the ignorance that will be inevitably displayed.
Horrible. It is up to 60+ murdered and 100 hostages.
Some jackass has been arrested. Claims to be ISIS mission.
Concert hall asshats have been killed.
What will the rockerfellers do next?
I shall wake up tomorrow already guessing that articles in The Guardian will be telling us how this attack is our fault. Meanwhile the BBC will do everything they can to stop the word 'Islam' being placed into any context of the attack. Of course, it would be 'Islamophobic' to do that, wouldn't it?

No, it wouldn't. This is just a more terrifying version of Charlie Hebdo, with more dead innocent bodies lining the streets.
I just made the mistake of checking out Twitter. Underneath the hashtag #Paris, there is #Muslims. It seems every single one of these tweets involves shamelessly and arrogantly disregarding over 100+ French people that have just been murdered, and instead prefer to use this time to lecture everyone on why 'not all Muslims are bad people'. Everybody knows this, but this kind of talk implies that they do not wish for Islam or religion itself to come under any scrutiny, even after so many people have been murdered in its name and branding. For shame. Stand with dignity and stop pandering to self-flagellation and capitulation; that's what Europe needs to do right now.
Hedging my bets that the attackers are home-grown militants, either 2nd or 3rd-generation French Arabs

e: also waiting to see how this influences French policy, both foreign and domestic. will be paying close attention to how people treat sikhs/muslims over the coming days and weeks.
Reported attack sites:

  • Bataclan concert venue, 50 boulevard Voltaire, 11th district - hostages held
  • Le Carillon, 18 rue Alibert, 10th district - gun attack
  • Le Petit Cambodge, 20 rue Alibert, 10th district - gun attack
  • La Belle Equipe, 92 rue de Charonne, 11th district - gun attack
  • Near Stade de France, St Denis, just north of Paris - reported suicide attack near venue as France v Germany football match played

A sad day in all respects.
So much more needed and needs to be done to eliminate terrorists. Bombing a few of them here and there from the sky was never going to take care of the issue but its not like the decision makers did not know that. This has been a war we did not start regardless that its been ignored by the very people that need to do something about it.
People are dead because of specific policy and mindset. A lot of innocent people are dead thanks to ignorance.
Sickening and sad. I hope this wakes people the f up.
I just made the mistake of checking out Twitter. Underneath the hashtag #Paris, there is #Muslims. It seems every single one of these tweets involves shamelessly and arrogantly disregarding over 100+ French people that have just been murdered, and instead prefer to use this time to lecture everyone on why 'not all Muslims are bad people'. Everybody knows this, but this kind of talk implies that they do not wish for Islam or religion itself to come under any scrutiny, even after so many people have been murdered in its name and branding. For shame. Stand with dignity and stop pandering to self-flagellation and capitulation; that's what Europe needs to do right now.

I have not heard a single Islamic religious leader stand up and condemn any terrorist act done in the name of the Muslim religion. Not one. Its very hard not to look unfavorably on any religion when its leaders do not stand to condemn acts like this.
I feel a large amount of hate and anger at this point.

I really believe that these acts will continue and leadership will continue to use words like "condemn" but not act. I really believe this is going to lead worse and worse things if we continue as we have been the last 7 years.