Merkabah | Page 332 | INFJ Forum

I think it's that part, where you applaud the trick, walk out wondering how it was done then "find the coin" in your top pocket.

Even if you have it on video, you can never quite see how it happened. Richard Feynman once said "nature is so much smarter than us". I think this is true, but typically I'll always be checking, just in case nature makes a slip.

The Duck billed platypus, a warm blooded semi equatic mammal, that lays eggs. I mean that's really just got to be a joke right? This is the kind of deity we're dealing with... Lol. ;)
I think it's that part, where you applaud the trick, walk out wondering how it was done then "find the coin" in your top pocket.

Even if you have it on video, you can never quite see how it happened. Richard Feynman once said "nature is so much smarter than us". I think this is true, but typically I'll always be checking, just in case nature makes a slip.

The Duck billed platypus, a warm blooded semi equatic mammal, that lays eggs. I mean that's really just got to be a joke right? This is the kind of deity we're dealing with... Lol. ;)

Check out this snake -


Except it isn’t a snake, it’s a caterpillar that puffs its ass up to scare of predators by resembling a snake.
How is the fuck...does a caterpillar, even through evolution, what part of evolution decided that this would be a good way to adapt to scare off birds or whatnot - there is some seriously deep intelligence at work here...maybe God...maybe it’s all just part of the collective consciousness where we are all connected?
How does a caterpillar with a microscopic brain observe that birds are afraid of snakes and then something in their DNA is triggered and intelligently decides to actually change it’s physical form to mimic a snake?
There has to be a deeper intelligence connecting or directing it all.
It’s easy to just say - God did it.
But I don’t feel like that is the total reality of it...I feel that we are all one when taken down to the Unified Field.
There is no separation between us and the caterpillar.
What’s more is our minds' reach beyond our skulls...our thoughts effect our reality more than we know imho.
Also imho there is some kind of Akashic records which is a place of pure collective consciousness connected to us all.
There has to be a deeper intelligence connecting or directing it all.

I watched a documentary recently on chaos theory in maths. They were using it to animate very simple human "stick men" to learn to walk. At first the animation struggles to just stand up, but each time there was even a tiny improvement, the computer program selected it and discarded the rest.

Within just a few generations the stick men can stand and begin to walk. 20 generations later, they can walk reasonably well. The truth is they're still not really sure why it works, but it's clear that it does.

I loved the caterpillar snake, nature is capable of the most incredible things.
I watched a documentary recently on chaos theory in maths. They were using it to animate very simple human "stick men" to learn to walk. At first the animation struggles to just stand up, but each time there was even a tiny improvement, the computer program selected it and discarded the rest.

Within just a few generations the stick men can stand and begin to walk. 20 generations later, they can walk reasonably well. The truth is they're still not really sure why it works, but it's clear that it does.

I loved the caterpillar snake, nature is capable of the most incredible things.
Yes I like the analogy...but a caterpillar snake is not the same as a stick man learning to walk in a program though.
It suggests some intelligence knowingly observed birds shunning and fearing snakes - something I don’t feel a caterpillar brain would be able to do solely based on generational changes - the caterpillar would have to have enough intelligence to understand that birds fear snakes.
So this is why I feel there could be a deeper more universal intelligence at work behind the scenes.
Yes I like the analogy...but a caterpillar snake is not the same as a stick man learning to walk in a program though.
It suggests some intelligence knowingly observed birds shunning and fearing snakes - something I don’t feel a caterpillar brain would be able to do solely based on generational changes - the caterpillar would have to have enough intelligence to understand that birds fear snakes.
So this is why I feel there could be a deeper more universal intelligence at work behind the scenes.

I agree, but the computer program itself has no "intelligence" just a sequence of mathematical rules. I think scientists once looked at maths, as the building blocks of nature. Whereas now they are maybe more seeing biology and nature as the building blocks, and that maths is only a way of interpreting it.

As for the caterpillar? I think as a single entity it would seem to lack the ability to come up with that solution. However if it's part of a "hive" of living thought? Maybe over a prolonged period of time, they're capable of far greater complex thinking that we initially feel is possible.

Edit - also great blog, really enjoy seeing your posts here and elsewhere.
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I agree, but the computer program itself has no "intelligence" just a sequence of mathematical rules. I think scientists once looked at maths, as the building blocks of nature. Whereas now they are maybe more seeing biology and nature as the building blocks, and that maths is only a way of interpreting it.

As for the caterpillar? I think as a single entity it would seem to lack the ability to come up with that solution. However if it's part of a "hive" of living thought? Maybe over a prolonged period of time, they're capable of far greater complex thinking that we initially feel is possible.

Edit - also great blog, really enjoy seeing your posts here and elsewhere.

Thanks James, same to you!

I think that there is a collective the Global Consciousness Project tries to lend proof -
The problem is that once you get anomalous data showing that our consciousness can interact with our reality, that time is not as constrained (the GCP showed on the day of Sept. 11th, 2001 that the random number generators began to sync up approx. 3 hours before the first plane hit - suggesting that the collective consciousness was reacting somehow to an even yet to happen (i.e. precognition).
There are of course, skeptics that have tried to pick apart the data...but they have shown it is not selective bias, or any of the other ways that studies can make a case for a particular side.
The odds that this was a fluke are over a trillion to one.
I believe we have lost our connection to nature, to each other (with exceptions), to the grand consciousnesses.
Yes, you can “connect” by taking LSD or mushrooms and such - you can very well see the connections and how our separation from other “objects” or “people” is not as separate as we normally feel.
This is however not a way to permanently function.
To continue to find that connection we need to go for walks in nature...we need to meditate...we need to attempt to keep the big picture in mind at all times and try not to focus so much on our own POV and our petty “problems”.
Yeah, some of us have pretty distracting “problems”, some have really caused us a lot of pain and suffering mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually...but those problems always become smaller and less imposing (at least for me) when I look at things from a more holistic perspective.
You also realize just how damn lucky you are in spite of the issues you may be facing currently.

Back to the caterpillar...I think that there must have been some kind of greater intelligence at work in such just doesn’t posses the problem solving intelligence to figure such a thing out...not saying that “God” did it....but that there isn’t a really good understanding yet of how such a thing would even come to understand, much less physically change or mutate it’s own DNA.
It’s very mysterious.
'Psychic Espionage': An Insider's View of US Army's Secret Project StarGate

US Army intelligence officer Major Ed Dames shares his story with Sputnik.

Major Ed Dames was one of five officers trained to monitor and analyze 'remote viewing', a technique said to allow users to psychically 'see' locations, events or other information from great distances.

The top-secret project, run by the Defense Intelligence Agency, would be dubbed Project StarGate.

The Central Intelligence Agency, to whom Project StarGate was transferred in 1995, canceled it, and declassified files related to some of its aspects in a massive document dump earlier this year.

The agency concluded that the program had no hope of being used for operations, although a retrospective evaluation conducted following its closure suggested that there was some evidence of psychic functioning.

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Retired Major Ed Dames, one of a handful of Army personnel to receive training in remote viewing, and who would go on to coordinate and run remote viewing teams, revealed that the technology was not only real, but that it was successfully used in operations against the US's Soviet adversaries, as well as other actors. Assigned to the remote viewing unit in January 1986, Dames worked for the program until December 1989.

Below is Major Dames' account, featuring only minimal, mostly stylistic and grammar tweaks.


Interesting to read about the Cold War. Remote viewing turned out to be successful in some ways.

BTW, why are you wearing yellow socks today, Skare?
Catching up on my favorite holistic-all-encompassing-spirituality thread and just wanted to give you this, Skarekrow

Interesting....BS or not?


This reminds me of drumming circles and percussion and music therapy. I participated in a group a while back that used various bongo drums to treat chronic pain. The sound waves and vibrations the drumming created changed your inner vibration and frequency, thus relieving pain for a temporary period of time. Those afflicted with fibromyalgia specifically had amazing long- term results. We use music therapy all the time, even if we don't realize it. I believe that's why specific genres and types of music speak to us on an individual basis and allows us 'feel' the music and can even change the way we feel on both physical and mental levels. If sound waves do this, why not radio waves?

I believe we have lost our connection to nature, to each other (with exceptions), to the grand consciousnesses.
Yes, you can “connect” by taking LSD or mushrooms and such - you can very well see the connections and how our separation from other “objects” or “people” is not as separate as we normally feel.
This is however not a way to permanently function.
To continue to find that connection we need to go for walks in nature...we need to meditate...we need to attempt to keep the big picture in mind at all times and try not to focus so much on our own POV and our petty “problems”.
Yeah, some of us have pretty distracting “problems”, some have really caused us a lot of pain and suffering mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually...but those problems always become smaller and less imposing (at least for me) when I look at things from a more holistic perspective.
You also realize just how damn lucky you are in spite of the issues you may be facing currently.


Catching up on my favorite holistic-all-encompassing-spirituality thread and just wanted to give you this, Skarekrow

This reminds me of drumming circles and percussion and music therapy. I participated in a group a while back that used various bongo drums to treat chronic pain. The sound waves and vibrations the drumming created changed your inner vibration and frequency, thus relieving pain for a temporary period of time. Those afflicted with fibromyalgia specifically had amazing long- term results. We use music therapy all the time, even if we don't realize it. I believe that's why specific genres and types of music speak to us on an individual basis and allows us 'feel' the music and can even change the way we feel on both physical and mental levels. If sound waves do this, why not radio waves?



Thank you as always Free...Much love to you and your own!
When I am feeling down I put on music, it always helps me.
I use binaural beats and various other form of sound, drums, white, pink, and brown noise.
The sound of rain or waterfalls...wind through the trees.
Yes...all so wonderful!!
I hope you are doing well?
Much love and healing thoughts to you!
To The INFJs Who Are Struggling With Depression
By Lauren Smith, February 17th 2016​


Dear fellow INFJ,

You are “The Advocate.”
You are insightful and often understand people better than they understand themselves.

You tackle problems with creative solutions.
You can inspire others with passionate writing and speech.

You long to scatter daffodil seeds over withered fields, forgotten graveyards, and abandoned alleyways.
You plan, you commit, and you follow through.

And if you align with current statistics, you’re probably depressed.

A massacre on someone else’s continent plagues your sleep.
The unpaid electric bill on someone else’s table engulfs you with grief.

You can even sense the absence of a soldier from someone else’s family.

I am an INFJ, and many of my close friends are INFJs.
We all have clinical depression.

We battle anxiety 1,440 minutes a day.
We see therapists.

We take medication.
We wake up four times a night, dreading how the world will fail us tomorrow.

Like many INFJs, our anxiety manifests itself in a variety of unpleasant ways—addictive behaviors, social withdrawal, eating disorders, OCD, bipolar disorder, and panic attacks.

It may seem easy to conclude there is something wrong with you—with us.
But it’s not us.

It’s our environment.

We exist in a world where xenophobia is flourishing and discrimination is as familiar as a stoplight switching from yellow to red.
“Personal responsibility” has become a phrase used to justify selfishness.

Your compassion has imprisoned you in heartache.
You must watch extremists obliterate historical landmarks on CNN, read racial slurs in the comment section of every YouTube video, and listen to politicians enact laws stealthily concocted to disenfranchise minorities.

We exist in a world where quantity is favored over quality.
Tasks are to be ticked off as quickly as possible.

Data, numbers, scores, and percentages are the end goal.
Your high standards and attention to detail have become a waste of time.

Your job has become a race.
You must now grind out the best work you are capable of as fast as you can, only to have your work quantified into a statistic for a quarterly report.

We exist in a world that trusts the loudest voice.
The first to raise their hand reigns supreme.

Your quiet intelligence and attentive insight have become lost in the chaos of hasty opinions.
You must now suffer through decisions that you know will backfire, plans that you know will fail, simply because they were uttered by the flashiest person at the table.

We exist in a world where saving money and taking shortcuts direct every decision.
Your idealism has become nonsense.

Your vision for anticipating and preventing harmful consequences is cast aside.
It’s “too much work.”

Your ideas are “unrealistic” because they demand others do the right thing instead of the easy thing.

We exist in a world that allows injustice in every arena for the sake of preserving social and political power.
Your dreams for equality have become a hopeless fight.

Others accuse you of caring too much.
“Political correctness” has become a phrase used to mock your empathy.

We exist in a world where the humanities are viewed as a useless pursuit—a world where corporations focus solely on profits, schools throw their limited funds on science equipment, and exams measure the art of reading with numbers and scales.

Caring about people and the thoughts, dreams, ideals, and emotions that connect us have become inferior to the sprint for the newest invention, the fastest delivery time, the cheapest labor cost.

We exist in a world where size 2 models are airbrushed to oblivion and size 10 actors are used for comedic relief.
Headlines tempt us with the secret to KILLER ABS and our BEST BOD.

Your perfectionism has become an illness, slowly poisoning you on your quest to have the perfect body, the perfect grade, the perfect résumé, the perfect outfit, the perfect credentials.

Flaws and shortcomings pollute your thoughts and push you to be smarter, better, stronger, thinner.

Until you’re having your next panic attack.
Until you’re methodically executing your next compulsive ritual.

Until you’re meticulously calculating your next meal.
Until you’re devoting the day to your pillow because past your bedroom walls is a toxic blend of animosity, negligence, complacency, and injustice.

But it’s not you.
You are not flawed.

You are the Nelson Mandela.
The Mahatma Ghandi.

The Mother Teresa.
The Martin Luther King, Jr.

While the world devalues your strengths, underestimates your intelligence, and shrugs off your agony, you are one of the powerful threads stitching this frayed planet back together.

So to you, my fellow INFJ, be brave enough to disagree.
Trust your ideals.

Let your compassion be your blueprint, not your defeat.
Thanks James, same to you!

I think that there is a collective the Global Consciousness Project tries to lend proof -
The problem is that once you get anomalous data showing that our consciousness can interact with our reality, that time is not as constrained (the GCP showed on the day of Sept. 11th, 2001 that the random number generators began to sync up approx. 3 hours before the first plane hit - suggesting that the collective consciousness was reacting somehow to an even yet to happen (i.e. precognition).
There are of course, skeptics that have tried to pick apart the data...but they have shown it is not selective bias, or any of the other ways that studies can make a case for a particular side.
The odds that this was a fluke are over a trillion to one.
I believe we have lost our connection to nature, to each other (with exceptions), to the grand consciousnesses.
Yes, you can “connect” by taking LSD or mushrooms and such - you can very well see the connections and how our separation from other “objects” or “people” is not as separate as we normally feel.
This is however not a way to permanently function.
To continue to find that connection we need to go for walks in nature...we need to meditate...we need to attempt to keep the big picture in mind at all times and try not to focus so much on our own POV and our petty “problems”.
Yeah, some of us have pretty distracting “problems”, some have really caused us a lot of pain and suffering mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually...but those problems always become smaller and less imposing (at least for me) when I look at things from a more holistic perspective.
You also realize just how damn lucky you are in spite of the issues you may be facing currently.

Back to the caterpillar...I think that there must have been some kind of greater intelligence at work in such just doesn’t posses the problem solving intelligence to figure such a thing out...not saying that “God” did it....but that there isn’t a really good understanding yet of how such a thing would even come to understand, much less physically change or mutate it’s own DNA.
It’s very mysterious.

Have you seen Minority Report? I am one of those precogs and I need lots of 'comfiness'.

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A tree remembers you if you talk to it. It will never forget you. Interesting to know.

Adronis - How To Communicate With Nature

In this video, Brad Johnson channels Adronis and he explains step-by-step how you can communicate with the plants and the animals. This is done through a 3 key process which Adronis describes.​

A tree remembers you if you talk to it. It will never forget you. Interesting to know.

Adronis - How To Communicate With Nature

In this video, Brad Johnson channels Adronis and he explains step-by-step how you can communicate with the plants and the animals. This is done through a 3 key process which Adronis describes.​
Have you been talking to my trees @ImaginaryBloke ? Don't listen to them they're story tellers, lol ;)


Seriously, the plants do listen as well as speak to us if we are obsevant and listen to them.
Foul, I was looking for a different video, however, this works toward my point. In the same regard that we find a plants notes, our resonnance is there also. I can't 'hear' others resonnance, but can feel it through touch at times, especially when a surprise hug arrives.

Thank you for the tag in....Hoping you are well and things are beautiful for you. :D
Free eBook!
(The whole “kit” contains some CDs and shit and some other ebooks, normally $77....on Merkabah, free!)

The Complete Empath Toolkit:
A Guide to Spiritual Empowerment for Sensitive People


By Michael R. Smith, Ph.D.

Link -

  • How to release and heal suppressed emotions​
  • How to work with the critical ego (unconscious beliefs) and eliminate its destructive influence on your life, health, and work.​
  • Harnessing the healing power of the elements for healing (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, Ether).​
  • Working with animal spirits & how to dialogue with your animal guides.​
  • Calling forth the energies of the planets.​
  • How to use the power of the plant kingdom.​
  • Tinctures & elixirs.​
  • Sacred geometry & color therapy.​
  • Intuition development exercises.​
  • Calling forth and developing a relationship with protective spirits.​
  • An exercise to allow you to see the human aura and energy field; it works in 85 percent of individuals who attempt it.​
And more....​
  • How to stop absorbing others energy.
  • How to become embodied as a Divine Activator so you won't be harmed by others energy.​
  • Energy protection when handling coins & money.​
  • The healthiest position to place the body to release negative energy.​
  • Using your spiritual powers to open and work with your 'assemblage point'.​
  • 'Brain gym' for unified consciousness.​
  • Shifting consciousness with dimensional work.​
  • The best foods to promote grounding.​
  • How to bypass the ego/mind and trust your intuition.​
  • How to use the tongue to eliminate trauma and old energy.​
  • Creating your own personal shield.​
  • Reflexology - powerful exercises specific for sensitive people.​
  • Energy technology to clear chakras.​
  • The best stones & crystals to fine tune and balance your sensitivity.​
  • Powerful energy 'tune-up' exercises that take only seconds.​
  • The 'Law of the Cure' and how to use it to clear negative energy.​
  • Male vs. Female energy and why it's important for sensitive people.​
  • How to talk to your organs - and have them respond.​
  • How to harness the power of the breath.​
  • Alternate nostril breathing and why it's so important for us.​
  • How to use Rajasic and Tamasic energy.​
  • How to merge consciousness and pray to the spirit of fire and water.​
  • Symbols, numbers, cranial-sacral fluid, remote viewing;​
I could go on....there is a lot more.
It's written with a good dose of my experiences and spiritual adventures; and all of the eBooks include practical, useful, and extremely helpful steps for you to master your energy as an empath, indigo, and/or sensitive person.​

(If you want to go to the website and pay the money for the whole set here you go - )

Hello to all of you beautiful Beings here reading @Skarekrow 's thread.

I know it's been a while since I've visited with you all....and I don't know what to say about it...except wow....Time has been interesting to say the least.

I don't have the time to get in to all of the details...but suffice it to say...We are now in 5d. You are now in 5d.... and Manifestations will and are happening at a faster rate to the degree your consciousness "sees" it.

What are your Thoughts right now?
What are the Emotions surrounding the Thoughts right now?
This IS what you are creating for your self now...

Challenge your Beliefs....which create the Thoughts and Emotions swirling around you now.

We now enter the Critical years(perhaps 2 to 5) where Humanity has a choice to make. Do you choose Fear? or Do you choose Love and Compassion?
Please start asking your self in every I choosing Fear or Love in my next action? Then watch your Belief. Choose to keep it...or let it go...and let it be for your own Highest Good.

I have seen my Intentions come true before me in sheer astonishment, wonder, and humbling awe.
I am reading and hearing about others going through similar experiences.

The Universe honors your Free Will choices. So choose well for your selves.
I feel a huge upwelling of love for all of your here and honor your courage to be on the planet during these times.
They say it better than I....

"We wish to encourage you to focus on the energy of simplicity within your being, focus on peace rather than drama and seek the simplest most meaningful answers. Recognize that you create your reality from within, heal the wounds within that are causing chaos and challenges in your life and realize that when you focus upon that which you desire you bring the energy of it into your being and reality for your experience...."
Hello to all of you beautiful Beings here reading @Skarekrow 's thread.

I know it's been a while since I've visited with you all....and I don't know what to say about it...except wow....Time has been interesting to say the least.

I don't have the time to get in to all of the details...but suffice it to say...We are now in 5d. You are now in 5d.... and Manifestations will and are happening at a faster rate to the degree your consciousness "sees" it.

What are your Thoughts right now?
What are the Emotions surrounding the Thoughts right now?
This IS what you are creating for your self now...

Challenge your Beliefs....which create the Thoughts and Emotions swirling around you now.

We now enter the Critical years(perhaps 2 to 5) where Humanity has a choice to make. Do you choose Fear? or Do you choose Love and Compassion?
Please start asking your self in every I choosing Fear or Love in my next action? Then watch your Belief. Choose to keep it...or let it go...and let it be for your own Highest Good.

I have seen my Intentions come true before me in sheer astonishment, wonder, and humbling awe.
I am reading and hearing about others going through similar experiences.

The Universe honors your Free Will choices. So choose well for your selves.
I feel a huge upwelling of love for all of your here and honor your courage to be on the planet during these times.

I have recently been picturing “us” as individuals as great swirling masses of particles held together in a form perceptible to other masses of energy...why does this one take the form of a daisy? And this one a cat?
Or things we create with our hands, be it even making dinner...I mean???
Particles of energy becoming part of us, of our energy.
And then there is so much going on that we just can’t see, we couldn’t comprehend...there are waves of energy moving through our bodies at all times...some cosmic that have travelled for billions of light years only to shoot through us, in between our own tiny bits floating about blinking in and out of reality.
Why have the tiny quantum bits that make me into who I am now...chose to maintain this form?
What consciousness is holding us together?
What force?
If you have glimpsed (which I know you have Kgal) a fuller picture of reality due to meditation, herbs, etc. it is so incredibly beautiful there is a loss for words, there are only tears brought on by the absolute beauty that exists in the seemingly mundane and a deep feeling of gratitude.
Much love back at you!
Thank you for your wise words...please stop by more often!
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'Gotta' try this video for physical healing. It sounds very intuitive indeed: the substitution technique. So, you substitute a disease/habit/abode/job for something else. You do not get rid of the bad thing. That cannot happen.

Is it to do with energy? Einstein said something about the transformation of energy, not destruction thereof.


Adronis - The Substitution Technique
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