Marilyn Monroe | INFJ Forum

Marilyn Monroe


Sep 5, 2009
She is absolutely fascinating. What type do you think she is? What do you think of her persona? How would you characterize her as personality?

She had an IQ of 168 too . . . I did not know that. Could explain a lot about the struggles she went through, especially when most people kept treating her very childlike and very simplistic.
I don't know.
But she is interesting to type. Somehow I would go for IXXP, but I don't have any special reason for that execpt "hunch".
She is absolutely fascinating. What type do you think she is? What do you think of her persona? How would you characterize her as personality?

She is a INFJ in a nutshell, and I'm completely sure about her. Stll, she was a very insecure person, as far as I understood from stories about her.

What do you think of her persona? How would you characterize her as personality?
Just very smart, very very smart eyes, contemplative and very Ni. Its like she can see trough objects, transcend them.

She also has that delicate and fragile condition specific to many INFJ women. Very feminine.

She also has that delicate and fragile condition specific to many INFJ women. Very feminine.

This is off topic, but I'm curious to know more about this! Perhaps you could explain in another thread more about this! It would be insightful to me.....I feel that I'm very fragile once you get through my hard shell!
This is off topic, but I'm curious to know more about this! Perhaps you could explain in another thread more about this! It would be insightful to me.....I feel that I'm very fragile once you get through my hard shell!
But all people are very fragile inside :D Don't worry about that. Is just that some people are very careful to hide this fragility and vulnerability from the world, you know, growing a thick skin.
Most likely an ENFP - she had a split personality though; bordering on bipolar disorder due to intense trauma and sexual abuse she experienced while young. Her Hollywood persona was created partly by her and partly by the movie studio managers. She is definitely an empath - her ability to be very vulnerable and exude sensuality. Her life is tragic because she lived two lives consisting of two personalities that did not match each other; making her prone to hurting herself and susceptible to drugs and dissociative tendencies and the pressures of fame and scandal probably did not help.
Most likely an ENFP - she had a split personality though; bordering on bipolar disorder due to intense trauma and sexual abuse she experienced while young. Her Hollywood persona was created partly by her and partly by the movie studio managers. She is definitely an empath - her ability to be very vulnerable and exude sensuality. Her life is tragic because she lived two lives consisting of two personalities that did not match each other; making her prone to hurting herself and susceptible to drugs and dissociative tendencies and the pressures of fame and scandal probably did not help.

Yeah, I was about to say to @LucyJr 's comment about fragility that I doubt it's related to type, and reflects the abuse she experienced. She just wasn't able to hide that fragility as others are able to do. I think NFs have a tougher time hiding their feelings than NTs. I think she was a tougher person that anyone gave her credit for especially since everyone had all these assumptions and expectations about who she was and should be.
Yeah, I was about to say to @LucyJr 's comment about fragility that I doubt it's related to type, and reflects the abuse she experienced. She just wasn't able to hide that fragility as others are able to do. I think NFs have a tougher time hiding their feelings than NTs. I think she was a tougher person that anyone gave her credit for especially since everyone had all these assumptions and expectations about who she was and should be.
Yep, I feel now that I owe some explanations for the fragility description ...this is foe [MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] too :)

She does not have fragility in a morbid or ill way (or something bad)...that's not what I wanted to say about fragility.

Rather I described her as fragile in a aristocratic or "I am such a queen" kind of way. She was very detached for the practical side of life, a dreamy and contemplative person, that's why she leaves (at least to me) this impression of "royal fragility", as if she is beyond all what people do, mundane tasks and so on...please don't accuse me I idolise her or something ( I don't do that to anybody)...this is real, this is the impression she gives to me in interviews and movies. So that's what I kind of wanted to say about her being delicate and fragile....
On one side, she makes a impression of a cuddly beautiful woman which is still a child, while on the other side her amazingly intelligent eyes with that hipnotic and contemplative Ni look gives the impression of maturity, a philosophical person, a fine person who is contemplating life with intelligence and a reflective look. Hope it makes sense what I was trying to say:D
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She is a INFJ in a nutshell, and I'm completely sure about her. Stll, she was a very insecure person, as far as I understood from stories about her.

Just very smart, very very smart eyes, contemplative and very Ni. Its like she can see trough objects, transcend them.

She also has that delicate and fragile condition specific to many INFJ women. Very feminine.

I just have a difficult time believing that Marilyn Monroe was INFJ. I thought INFJs are supposed to have strong ethics and a need to help others? I see nothing in her biography to show those traits at all. She seemed to have a life centred on self-promotion and stardom. That doesn't sound very INFJ to me. I'm not knocking her and I'm not questioning that she was probably smart (although I don't quite see it the way you do in the interview you posted) but I can't see her lifestyle as something that would appeal to an INFJ.
I just have a difficult time believing that Marilyn Monroe was INFJ. I thought INFJs are supposed to have strong ethics and a need to help others? I see nothing in her biography to show those traits at all. She seemed to have a life centred on self-promotion and stardom. That doesn't sound very INFJ to me. I'm not knocking her and I'm not questioning that she was probably smart (although I don't quite see it the way you do in the interview you posted) but I can't see her lifestyle as something that would appeal to an INFJ.

I mostly identify people by their eyes in terms of their facial expressions, and the manner of adressing a subject. Also body language, energy, but mostly eyes. INFJ eyes are very easily distinguished. Is that soft yet strong Ni stare. But like you said, I could be wrong.

As for her lifestyle, I don't know...what about Hitler? He certainly was a INFJ, yet that doesn mean he was the stereotypical INFJ. I think people have their values shaped by life experiences and beliefs, so that could explain alot of things. Also INFJs can be 4w3...which menas exactly that they will seek authenticity and fame, social position and so on.

Just as a side note, if the actresses today would be half decent and polite like Marilyn ( and smart), I could much more easily support stardom those days. But it seems to me that most of the actors today are talent-less, yet really proud of their "glamour".
I mostly identify people by their eyes in terms of their facial expressions, and the manner of adressing a subject. Also body language, energy, but mostly eyes. INFJ eyes are very easily distinguished. Is that soft yet strong Ni stare. But like you said, I could be wrong.

As for her lifestyle, I don't know...what about Hitler? He certainly was a INFJ, yet that doesn mean he was the stereotypical INFJ. I think people have their values shaped by life experiences and beliefs, so that could explain alot of things. Also INFJs can be 4w3...which menas exactly that they will seek authenticity and fame, social position and so on.

Just as a side note, if the actresses today would be half decent and polite like Marilyn ( and smart), I could much more easily support stardom those days. But it seems to me that most of the actors today are talent-less, yet really proud of their "glamour".

As much as I would rather he not be INFJ, I am more inclined to believe that Hitler was an INFJ simply because he really believed that he was doing the right thing and saving his people, but he was also narcissistic and had delusions of grandeur so those are beyond personality.
I am not sure it's fair to evaluate her as not INFJ because she was not as humanistic as INFJs are supposed to be. We don't know her personally to make those judgments. She was definitely someone whose persona made it difficult to really know what she felt or thought because people had so many assumptions or presumptions and were not that interested in seeing anything else than what they felt was true. In the one interview with that couple, she was being asked if she cleaned her own room. It's like the interview felt she needed to be held accountable like a child. That's ridiculous, patronizing and patriarchal. The implication is that she too much of an "dumb blonde" to know how to take care of herself. I doubt many people cared what she thought. As long as they could make money from her image, they really couldn't care less. I am sure if she said anything that was supposedly more intelligent than she seemed capable of, they would have thought it was a fluke.
I am not sure it's fair to evaluate her as not INFJ because she was not as humanistic as INFJs are supposed to be. We don't know her personally to make those judgments. She was definitely someone whose persona made it difficult to really know what she felt or thought because people had so many assumptions or presumptions and were not that interested in seeing anything else than what they felt was true. In the one interview with that couple, she was being asked if she cleaned her own room. It's like the interview felt she needed to be held accountable like a child. That's ridiculous, patronizing and patriarchal. The implication is that she too much of an "dumb blonde" to know how to take care of herself. I doubt many people cared what she thought. As long as they could make money from her image, they really couldn't care less. I am sure if she said anything that was supposedly more intelligent than she seemed capable of, they would have thought it was a fluke.

You are right about not being able to judge her type from whether her life 'appeared' like that of an INFJ but that is also the reason that we can't decide that she's an INFJ because of how she looks or how her eyes look.

It was an odd interview. Everything about it was very awkward and everybody was acting weird.
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Hello, I see this is an old topic but caught my interest soo much that I wanted to reply.

By no means am I an expert on Marilyn or the MB test so take my analysis as a jumping point. I have however done a bit of research on MM as I have an affinity with her and I have taken a few MB tests all with the results of INFJ so I might understand a bit about the type.

I would love to claim MM as a kindred spirt as an INFJ but let is look at each quality in turn. Sad that MM is not here to ask or take the test it would solve a lot of questions.

I or E?

While a lot of people put MM as an E, they do this out of lack of thought. She as stated in prior comments had some bipolar qualities weather from her troubled past or genetics we do not really know. She did not of course have multi personalties as some suggest. She was an incredible actor both on screen and off and we can not forget she could turn on acted emotions at will. And she did this for many interviews you can hear it in her speaking when she did or did not. Generally earlier interviews about her childhood and stuff were less rehearsed. In her photos you can see it as well when her emotion she displayed was acted or from her heart. Out of the thousands of photos I have seen only about 1 in 50 are not put on for the camera. When she did act she was incredibly focused and controlled, she was known to spend all night prior a shoot to practice, and still was nervous every time. She mentioned in an interview that she had only a few friends. This comment in it self points toward a Introvert. Also she only made a few deep connections with people through out her life. When we listen to her about how she played when a kid, and reflected on her childhood she was a loner and never played with the others, till of corse when she developed then everyone wanted to be her “friend”. Our ways and personality is set before the age of six so once again she was more introverted or I.

S or N?

This point is how we perceive we get our information from external or internal, there is a good book called “fragments”. This book is a collection of Marilyn’s personal notes and writings. I personally do not agree 100% with the authors interpretation of all of MM’s writings and thoughts. However after spending just a bit of time you will instantly come to the conclusion MM was an inward thinking person, and no doubt a N in this case. Some of her poetry is very deep and connects with her soul. Unfortantly she did not keep a dedicated diary so all we have is tid bits of her thoughts and feelings toward the world. She also was a reader of philosophy and took many classes to improve herself, very N action.

T vs F?
This quality is weather we make decisions based on logic or emotion. This one can be a bit tricky because MM was very intelligent, and very controlled as to self actions. She would have never marred her body because she knew this was her asset she said when put in the mental ward, logic for sure. Fact she was in the ward was all emotional. She was almost always pushed by everyone to do there wants not her own, more emotional. She also made several emotional type decisions, the main reason why she was always late to a shoot later on in life, she got fired for because of this. So I am thinking she was more of an F.

J or P?
This quality is how we implement our actions and plans. Either we have a set plan of action or we trust our hearts and instincts to get us there. I think this is the hardest of the 4 MB results to figure out. MM was exploited, almost all her life, and even after her death. Everyone want to use her to make money, even took it all after her death. The few major decisions she made of her own will were few and far between. The decision to become an actor? She defiantly followed through but was there a plan or a hope, hard to say. She planed her divorce and marriage with her 1st husband James very much. But Joe was all heart, while Author was all logic. The decision to open her own production company, she did not follow through well and was based on her trying to escape the grips of Hollywood moguls, but it defiantly had a plan of action behind it, she lined up people and things she needed to do it. Was the decision to become an actor based on emotion because she was good at it? Because Her mother was? She loved movies and acting even s a little kid was it planed or did she just wing it? I think she had a loose plan and followed through. I think the decision to call the president the day before she was killed was motivated by her heart but had a plan of action behind it, to keep them away from her. So I am placing her as a J because most of her actions seemed to have a plan behind them vs just winging it.

INFJ am I correct? I defiantly feel I vibe her personalty and soul, so maybe or am I just warping facts to fit my own sense of things.
I don’t know her MBTI, but I do know that almost sixty years after her death, her beauty and magnetism is still fervently spoken about all over the world. I came across some old screen test footage and man, she was just so smoking beautiful.
That woman could have ruled the world, had they let her.
Hey Miriya,


You wrote:
This quality is weather we make decisions based on logic or emotion.

I did not know this. Are you sure? As for me, I am inclined to give a lot of thought in a feeling way like how something might cause a person to feel, but I never really thought I base a decision on emotion. I mean, sure it's part of it. Am I splitting hairs here?