Knock Knock: Have a package for you. | INFJ Forum

Knock Knock: Have a package for you.

just me

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
The Clintons and the Obamas are protected by Secret Service since in office. SS watches deliveries very closely. This was neither a bomb threat nor an attempt to kill anyone. This was a political statement.

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I haven't seen any formal statements from law enforcement that the packages were actually explosives or chemical weapons, though I understand that investigation is still pending. I think it's irresponsible for news sites to assume that they are actual explosives/poison, though we will have to wait and see if they actually are. Regardless, my only point to make here is that even if these were actual assassination attempts, of course they were a political statement. Actually killing the person is a political statement. Even if a hoax, fake bombs and poisons still constitute an attempt to instill terror and should be considered a criminal act.
My question is, regardless of anyone's beliefs, how are these actions making things better? What kind of change do they think this makes? How does anyone benefit? It doesn't make anyone look good to pursue these types of actions including the people who they think they are supporting or those on whose behalf they believe they are doing it. No one wins.
Its a false flag attack

the deep state actors who support the democrats have sent the parcels to the democrats so that the democrats can then demonise trump supporters and use this to attack trump in their 'liberal' media

they did this right before the elections as a stunt to try and win voters by making the opposition look bad

trump supporters have nothing to gain from this
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Didn't know I looked that bad. It's a fact, then: you are officially deranged and not alone.
Tribalist mudslinging is a dead-end road. There are good people who support Trump or don't want a Democratic president for valid reasons, and vice versa. Sending real or fake bombs or poison is a criminal act in that it is an attempt to terrorize by murder or the implied threat of it. In this case either one is a political statement, but even a threat of murder shouldn't absolve the culprits from being thrown in jail.
Bomber's been caught: he's from Florida.

When Florida sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're laughing at us, they're laughing at our stupidity folks. They're not our friend, believe me.
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Bomber's been caught: he's from Florida.

When Florida sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're laughing at us, they're laughing at our stupidity folks. They're not our friend, believe me.

I was about to come in here and comment on how Florida continues to be a fuck up, but I see you have it covered. Thank you.
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I managed to get on the dude's FB page before it got taken down and I gotta say: what an absolute fucking loser.
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Looks like an asshole living in his van down by the river.
But I’m sure he’s just a patsy in a huge and intricate false flag plot...instead of just a douchebag POS too stupid to make bombs that work.


Cesar Sayoc Jr., who is accused of sending explosive packages to several of the president’s critics, in a photo taken from social media.
Looks like an asshole living in his van down by the river.
But I’m sure he’s just a patsy in a huge and intricate false flag plot...instead of just a douchebag POS too stupid to make bombs that work.


Cesar Sayoc Jr., who is accused of sending explosive packages to several of the president’s critics, in a photo taken from social media.
My eyes keep wandering a little down and to the left.........must.....make America.....great again......
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Dude was an idiot. If you are going to mail a bomb, a time bomb is just about the worse choice, and he didn't even make it correctly. PVC pipe bomb with glass. Give me a break :unamused:

I honestly laughed when I heard about it first because I thought it was a bad joke... then it turns out it wasn't a joke... :/