Jungian Watchword Personality Test | INFJ Forum

Jungian Watchword Personality Test


Retired Staff
Aug 23, 2011
I thought this was a bit interesting; I'd never taken an MBTI test quite like it before. It's definitely not a traditional, cut-and-dry test, but it was admittedly a little fun. I don't imagine it'd be quite as entertaining the second time taking it, though. Part of what made it interesting was not allowing myself to guess how everything was interconnected, and just going with the flow. It'd fit under Online Tests too, but this'll do, as well.


Just for fun, at least.
Don't mind if you guys see my words :p

Guess I ought to post mine too:


Laughed when I saw I'd have to connect breathe and air, lol. Gobble and ethereal did make me pause for a second. My thought process: "Uhh... gobble and ethereal? ... ghost turkey maybe?" :p

I forgot to take a screenshot with the result and it's gone now, but I got INFP, interestingly.
Guess I ought to post mine too:


Laughed when I saw I'd have to connect breathe and air, lol. Gobble and ethereal did make me pause for a second. My thought process: "Uhh... gobble and ethereal? ... ghost turkey maybe?" :p

I forgot to take a screenshot with the result and it's gone now, but I got INFP, interestingly.

Requiem and Croissant :3
At least you used some pretty majestic words in yours ^^
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To interpret your word, you should carefully consider its meaning, together with its possible associations, in the light of the key principle and suggested indications. It is important, and often necessary, to explore the potential symbolism of your words in order to fully appreciate their psychological significance.
1. GIANT represents the principle of progression in your personality or situation. GIANT typically indicates your driving forces, creative impulses, or features that are carrying you forward.
2. DWARF represents the principle of REGRESSION in your personality or situation. DWARF typically indicates your inertial tendencies, weaknesses, or features that are holding you back.
3. SOUL represents the principle of INWARDNESS in your personality or situation. SOUL typically indicates your private thoughts and feelings, or your basic inner personality.
4. PERSONA represents the principle of OUTWARDNESS in your personality or situation. PERSONA typically indicates the way you express youself publicly, your social roles, or basic outer personality.
5. GUIDE represents the principle of INNER PROGRESSION in your personality or situation. GUIDE typically indicates your higher intuitions, inner sense of goodness and rightness, or unconscious power.
6. IMAGO represents the principle of outer progression in your personality or situation. IMAGO typically indicates your ego-ideals, conscious values, gols or needs, or an imagined future situation.
7. SHADOW represents the principle of INNER REGRESSION in your personality or situation. SHADOW typically indicates your hidden side, qualities you have failed to develop, or irrational sensitivities.
8. SPECTRE represents the principle of OUTER REGRESSION in your personality or situation. SPECTRE typically indicates difficulties, anxieties or conscious dislikes, or areas where help is sought or needed.
9. STATION represents the principle of INNER-OUTER BALANCE in your personality or situation. STATION typically indicates your basic style or approach to life, general emotional quality, or identity issues.
10. BATTLE represents the principle of PROGRESSIVE-REGRESSIVE TENSION in your personality or situation. BATTLE typically indicates your personal task or quest, an area of moral conflict, or a battle to be fought.
11. DESTINY represents the principle of FINAL RESOLUTION in your personality or situation. DESTINY typically indicates an anticipated final outcome, ultimate achievement or what is needed for change.
i got infp... >,< but the relativity of my words on dynamics were true.

Your responses suggest that your Watchword Type is E N F J
This means that your psychological tendencies are Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Apricots and peaches
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Hm, just a tad off center there. Interesting test though.
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